part of the remix.network

J Dovy – Mirror Chronicles, Pt. 2 / DVM00082 / Somanymusic

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 J Dovy Who, We Are (Remastered) 07:10 16
2 J Dovy Sweet Anything 09:20 21
3 J Dovy Low Profile (Remastered) 09:51 23
4 J Dovy To Lose Everything (Remastered) 07:01 16
5 J Dovy Jealousy (Remastered) 07:52 18
6 J Dovy Forgotten Soul (Remastered) 08:24 19
7 J Dovy Neuromance (Remastered) 10:40 24
8 J Dovy feat. VARTAN FAU Basic (Remastered) 07:27 17
9 J Dovy Lullaby (Remastered) 07:11 16
10 J Dovy Planet Deep (Remastered) 06:50 16
11 J Dovy Minimum Drive (Remastered) 10:29 24
12 J Dovy Living It Deep (Remastered) 08:12 19
13 J Dovy feat. Nodding Off Think About the Paper Thin Mask (Remastered) 08:08 19
14 J Dovy Time Vision (Remastered) 08:44 20
15 J Dovy Satellite (Remastered) 07:51 18
16 J Dovy Living It Deep (J Dovy 2021 Version) 10:24 24

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > J Dovy
title > Mirror Chronicles, Pt. 2
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Deephouse 

label > Somanymusic
catno > DVM00082

predate > 2021-11-01
tracks > 16 
size > 310.77 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/246717172
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3462033

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. J Dovy - Who, We Are (Remastered) 7:10
02. J Dovy - Sweet Anything 9:20
03. J Dovy - Low Profile (Remastered) 9:50
04. J Dovy - To Lose Everything (Remastered) 7:01
05. J Dovy - Jealousy (Remastered) 7:51
06. J Dovy - Forgotten Soul (Remastered) 8:24
07. J Dovy - Neuromance (Remastered) 10:40
08. J Dovy feat. VARTAN FAU - Basic (Remastered) 7:26
09. J Dovy - Lullaby (Remastered) 7:11
10. J Dovy - Planet Deep (Remastered) 6:50
11. J Dovy - Minimum Drive (Remastered) 10:29
12. J Dovy - Living It Deep (Remastered) 8:12
13. J Dovy feat. Nodding Off - Think About the Paper Thin Mask (Rem 8:08
14. J Dovy - Time Vision (Remastered) 8:44
15. J Dovy - Satellite (Remastered) 7:51
16. J Dovy - Living It Deep (J Dovy 2021 Version) 10:23


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Title: Mirror Chronicles (part.2) Artist: J Dovy Catalog#: DVM00082 
Label: somanymusic Track List 1 Who... We Are ! [remastered] 2 Sweet 
Anything [remastered] 3 Low Profile [remastered] 4 To Lose Everything 
5 Jealousy (Mood#2) [remastered] 6 Forgotten Soul [remastered] 7 
Neuromance [remastered] 8 Basic (feat Vartan Fau) [remastered edit] 9 
Lullaby [remastered] 10 Planet Deep [remastered] 11 Minimum Drive 
[remastered] 12 Living It Deep [remastered] 13 Think About The Paper 
Thin Mask (featuring Nodding Off) [remastered] 14 Time Vision 
[remastered] 15 Satellite [remastered edit] 16 Living It Deep (Remix) 

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last nfo update 2O211027
J_Dovy--Mirror_Chronicles_Pt_2-(DVM00082)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: // files: 16


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