VA – Groove Nation 2022 / GMCD30 / Grooveland
# | artist | track title | duration | size, mb |
1 | 2 deep and soul & richelle hicks | you had your warning (original mix) | 04:43 | 11 |
2 | beekay deep | aeons (original mix) | 11:53 | 27 |
3 | cesar cardozo & chris galbraith | pelicanos beach (chris galbraith sunrise mix) | 12:33 | 29 |
4 | cesar cardozo & beta1 | sunset (beta1 remix) | 06:57 | 16 |
5 | color blind dj & stex | over the rainbow (original mix) | 06:33 | 15 |
6 | deeper beats & roneedeep | beirut (original mix) | 06:10 | 14 |
7 | frankie ferrara & claire berrie & fam disco | keep dancing (fam disco remix) | 06:20 | 15 |
8 | luchi & raizer | beauty and blood (broken beat mix) | 05:59 | 14 |
9 | luchi & raizer | blue bird (original mix) | 07:54 | 18 |
10 | luiz uchoa | sax talk (original mix) | 04:15 | 10 |
11 | m patrick & kusini & toshi | rhiqi (original mix) | 07:18 | 17 |
12 | m patrick & rooted & tuca | change (tuca remix) | 07:28 | 17 |
13 | sam qs & taylor jackson & aphreme | tree house (aphreme dub) | 05:46 | 13 |
14 | soulbasics & luchi & raizer | jazzelle (luchi & raizer broken love remix) | 05:47 | 13 |
15 | 2 deep and soul & paula marquezini | a noite vai chegar (radio edit) | 03:14 | 7 |
16 | uncleb & shay & deepo | thank you (deepo vocal mix) | 08:28 | 19 |
17 | m patrick & rooted & dj sue | hamba uzobuya (original mix) | 05:19 | 12 |
18 | carlos francisco | la tropicana (original mix) | 06:18 | 14 |
19 | rodney sa | jack sparrow (original mix) | 06:25 | 15 |
20 | leandro p & ed ramsey & deepo | love is the way (deepo vocal mix) | 07:22 | 17 |
21 | roneedeep & jvson & uncle b | oh mama (uncle b remix) | 07:02 | 16 |
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h! BEAT FORGE PRESENTiNG YOU RAD ASCii: h! of ELECTRONiC MUSiC N bEaTs SiNCE '97 RSR^DARKSiDERS h! RELEASE iNFORMATiON VA - Groove Nation 2022 h! y ; ; RLS DATE.......: 12.19.2021 STORE DATE.....: 12.17.2021 GENRE..........: House LABEL..........: Grooveland CATNUM.........: (GMCD30) SHOPURL..... ..: N/A SiZE...........: 329,03 MB QUALiTY........: 320kkbps, 44,1kHz, Joint Stereo Encoder........: 3.99 SOURCE.........: WEB TRACKS.........: 21 ;TOTAL LENGHT...: 143:36 ; h! ENJOY THiS RELEASE AND TURN UP YOUR VOLUME! 01 2 deep and soul & richelle hicks - you had your 04:43 02 beekay deep - aeons (original mix) 11:52 03 cesar cardozo & chris galbraith - pelicanos beac12:33 04 cesar cardozo & beta1 - sunset (beta1 remix) 06:56 05 color blind dj & stex - over the rainbow (origin06:32 06 deeper beats & roneedeep - beirut (original mix)06:09 07 frankie ferrara & claire berrie & fam disco - ke06:20 08 luchi & raizer - beauty and blood (broken beat m05:59 09 luchi & raizer - blue bird (original mix) 07:54 10 luiz uchoa - sax talk (original mix) 04:15 11 m patrick & kusini & toshi - rhiqi (original mix07:17 12 m patrick & rooted & tuca - change (tuca remix) 07:28 13 sam qs & taylor jackson & aphreme - tree house (05:45 14 soulbasics & luchi & raizer - jazzelle (luchi & 05:46 15 2 deep and soul & paula marquezini - a noite vai03:14 16 uncleb & shay & deepo - thank you (deepo vocal m08:28 17 m patrick & rooted & dj sue - hamba uzobuya (ori05:18 18 carlos francisco - la tropicana (original mix) 06:18 19 rodney sa - jack sparrow (original mix) 06:25 20 leandro p & ed ramsey & deepo - love is the way 07:22 21 roneedeep & jvson & uncle b - oh mama (uncle b r07:02 TOTAL PLAYTiME: 143:36 h! We have some open positions. If you have anything to support us, don't hesitate to contact us! If you like this Release, go and get yourself a legal copy of it. We did so too. Remember to support the creators of this! h! BEATFORGE 2021 SHOP: groove-nation-2022 ; ; h! y ; ;
VA-Groove_Nation_2022-(GMCD30)-WEB-2022-BF // filesize: 345187086 // files: 21
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