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VA – Let There Be House & In It Together Records – The Anthology 2021 / LTBHIITA002 / Let There Be House Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Stevie Gell, Angel Johnson feat. Tammy Cartwright I'm With You 03:12 7
2 Glen Horsborough, Karmina Dai, Yvvan Back Going Strong (Yvvan Back & Zetaphunk Remix) 03:50 9
3 Ridney, Laura Vane, Jayefel All Your Love 03:09 7
4 Bergwall, DJ Strid Funk Alive 03:37 8
5 Peter Brown, Glen Horsborough, Lee Wilson Fever 03:40 8
6 GUYZA Loving Way 03:27 8
7 DJ Rae Reach 03:26 8
8 Glen Horsborough, Karmina Dai This Feeling (Yvvan Back & Zetaphunk Remix) 03:00 7
9 Luigii Nieto, Carlos Fas, Vicente Fas Feel The Beat 03:37 8
10 Hiva Redemption 03:01 7
11 Bexxie, Glen Horsborough feat. Ryan Konline Meant To Be (Glen Horsborough Remix) 03:26 8
12 Carl Hanaghan, Ridney Peace 03:07 7
13 David Novacek, Mairee Feel The Heat 02:36 6
14 ANT LaROCK Crazy 03:55 9
15 Juan Di Lago It's Over (Bauuer Remix) 02:58 7
16 James Deron Promise 04:00 9
17 FormulaK, Tess Leah, Peter Brown I Pray (Peter Brown Remix) 03:36 8
18 Kornum & Karma, Gregers, Discotron Underworld (Discotron Remix) 04:15 10
19 Milk Bar, Sebb Junior We Want Freedom (Sebb Junior Remix) 03:40 8
20 Tone Troy, Sharin, Sebb Junior Feeling Me (Sebb Junior Remix) 04:01 9
21 Din Jay, Jame Starck My Love 03:56 9
22 Paul Mondot, Venessa Jackson Little Deeper 03:55 9
23 Peter Brown, Mijangos Happiness (Hatiras Remix) 03:48 9
24 Babert I Need Your Love 02:52 7
25 Glen Horsborough, Alimish, Dj Kone & Marc Palacios Yours For Life (DJ Kone & Marc Palacios Remix) 03:07 7
26 Danmic's My Feeling 03:15 7
27 Alex Poet How Do I 03:16 7
28 DJ Ting Movin' On 03:25 8
29 Mirelle Noveron Get It (Pansil Remix) 03:16 7
30 Pansil On My Mind 03:36 8
31 Music P, Marque Aurel Disco Yeah (Chewy Rubs Deep Disco Dub) 03:36 8
32 SRCS, Mario Ocepek Make Your Body Hot 03:20 8
33 Two Lee Single Malt Scotch Funk 03:46 9
34 Caj Mal P.O.P (Place Of Pain) 04:08 9
35 Two Lee Aspargy 04:02 9
36 Lesko Forever 03:37 8
37 Testone Stay With Me 02:58 7
38 Talk To Frankie House Of Love 04:55 11
39 DAN:ROS, AVA (It) My Broken Heart (HP Vince Remix) 03:31 8
40 JazzyFunk, Pyma, Karmina Dai Funk Me Up (Fix's Flex Mix) 03:54 9
41 N-You-Up feat. Damon C Scott Be Enough For You 03:30 8
42 Peter Brown, Lizzie Curious This Feeling 03:36 8
43 Lizzie Curious, Rhythm Staircase Cool Stuff (84Bit Remix) 03:41 8
44 Samo, Alimish Love Come Alive (Fix's Smooth Move Remix) 03:40 8
45 Narciso & Gerundino Dance With Me 03:40 8
46 Animist Move (13-Side Remix) 03:42 8
47 FRNIK feat. Leela D Keep Yo Light On 03:56 9
48 Greg Colman Good Stuff 03:32 8
49 HP Vince Free Your Mind 02:40 6
50 Lisa Jane feat. Michaela Fedeczko Gotta Be Real 03:56 9
51 Lizzie Curious, Da Funk Junkies Just Friends 03:17 8
52 Romy Black Take Your Time 03:24 8
53 Bexxie, Bubs Locked In 03:42 9
54 Ron Thanks, Windy City Classics Best Week 02:54 7
55 Nikki Carvell My Lingo 03:27 8
56 In It Together, Alimish If We Choose Love 03:25 8
57 Just Aaron Sunshine Funk 03:34 8
58 Vanilla Ace, K & K Gimme Your Soul 03:29 8
59 Javier Penna I Have A Dream (Alessio Collesano Remix) 03:15 7
60 Lizzie Curious, Discoplex Ready To Party (Discoplex Remix) 03:10 7
61 Glen Horsborough The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 1) 75:36 173
62 Glen Horsborough The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 2) 72:20 166
63 Jas P The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 3) 76:17 175
64 Jas P The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 4) 74:49 171

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :

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artist > Various Artists

title > Let There Be House & In It Together Records - The Anthology 2021

year > 2021

genre > House 

mood > House 

label > Let There Be House Records

catno > LTBHIITA002

predate > 2021-12-25

tracks > 64 

size > 1169.55 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/278167622

buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3592158


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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3

encoder > LAME 3.99.1+

quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel

source > WEB

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01. Stevie Gell, Angel Johnson feat. Tammy Cartwright - I'm With Yo 3:12

02. Glen Horsborough, Karmina Dai, Yvvan Back - Going Strong (Yvvan 3:50

03. Ridney, Laura Vane, Jayefel - All Your Love 3:09

04. Bergwall, DJ Strid - Funk Alive 3:36

05. Peter Brown, Glen Horsborough, Lee Wilson - Fever 3:40

06. GUYZA - Loving Way 3:27

07. DJ Rae - Reach 3:25

08. Glen Horsborough, Karmina Dai - This Feeling (Yvvan Back & Zeta 3:00

09. Luigii Nieto, Carlos Fas, Vicente Fas - Feel The Beat 3:36

10. Hiva - Redemption 3:01

11. Bexxie, Glen Horsborough feat. Ryan Konline - Meant To Be (Glen 3:26

12. Carl Hanaghan, Ridney - Peace 3:07

13. David Novacek, Mairee - Feel The Heat 2:36

14. ANT LaROCK - Crazy 3:55

15. Juan Di Lago - It's Over (Bauuer Remix) 2:58

16. James Deron - Promise 4:00

17. FormulaK, Tess Leah, Peter Brown - I Pray (Peter Brown Remix) 3:36

18. Kornum & Karma, Gregers, Discotron - Underworld (Discotron Remi 4:15

19. Milk Bar, Sebb Junior - We Want Freedom (Sebb Junior Remix) 3:40

20. Tone Troy, Sharin, Sebb Junior - Feeling Me (Sebb Junior Remix) 4:01

21. Din Jay, Jame Starck - My Love 3:56

22. Paul Mondot, Venessa Jackson - Little Deeper 3:55

23. Peter Brown, Mijangos - Happiness (Hatiras Remix) 3:48

24. Babert - I Need Your Love 2:52

25. Glen Horsborough, Alimish, Dj Kone & Marc Palacios - Yours For 3:07

26. Danmic's - My Feeling 3:15

27. Alex Poet - How Do I 3:15

28. DJ Ting - Movin' On 3:25

29. Mirelle Noveron - Get It (Pansil Remix) 3:16

30. Pansil - On My Mind 3:36

31. Music P, Marque Aurel - Disco Yeah (Chewy Rubs Deep Disco Dub) 3:36

32. SRCS, Mario Ocepek - Make Your Body Hot 3:20

33. Two Lee - Single Malt Scotch Funk 3:45

34. Caj Mal - P.O.P (Place Of Pain) 4:07

35. Two Lee - Aspargy 4:01

36. Lesko - Forever 3:36

37. Testone - Stay With Me 2:58

38. Talk To Frankie - House Of Love 4:55

39. DAN:ROS, AVA (It) - My Broken Heart (HP Vince Remix) 3:31

40. JazzyFunk, Pyma, Karmina Dai - Funk Me Up (Fix's Flex Mix) 3:54

41. N-You-Up feat. Damon C Scott - Be Enough For You 3:30

42. Peter Brown, Lizzie Curious - This Feeling 3:36

43. Lizzie Curious, Rhythm Staircase - Cool Stuff (84Bit Remix) 3:41

44. Samo, Alimish - Love Come Alive (Fix's Smooth Move Remix) 3:40

45. Narciso & Gerundino - Dance With Me 3:40

46. Animist - Move (13-Side Remix) 3:42

47. FRNIK feat. Leela D - Keep Yo Light On 3:56

48. Greg Colman - Good Stuff 3:32

49. HP Vince - Free Your Mind 2:40

50. Lisa Jane feat. Michaela Fedeczko - Gotta Be Real 3:56

51. Lizzie Curious, Da Funk Junkies - Just Friends 3:16

52. Romy Black - Take Your Time 3:24

53. Bexxie, Bubs - Locked In 3:42

54. Ron Thanks, Windy City Classics - Best Week 2:54

55. Nikki Carvell - My Lingo 3:27

56. In It Together, Alimish - If We Choose Love 3:25

57. Just Aaron - Sunshine Funk 3:34

58. Vanilla Ace, K & K - Gimme Your Soul 3:29

59. Javier Penna - I Have A Dream (Alessio Collesano Remix) 3:15

60. Lizzie Curious, Discoplex - Ready To Party (Discoplex Remix) 3:10

61. Glen Horsborough - The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 1) 15:32

62. Glen Horsborough - The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 2) 12:16

63. Jas P - The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 3) 16:13

64. Jas P - The Anthology 2021 (Continuous Mix 4) 14:45


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Let There Be House & In It Together Records combine forces once again 

for 'The Anthology 2021'. 

The Anthology represents a collection of music from both labels over 

the past 12 months. 

This massive 60 track compilation containing 30 album only exclusives 

features great tunes from artist's such as Ridney, Babert, Bexxie, 

Peter Brown, Lizzie Curious and LTBH label head Glen Horsborough 

alongside a selection of Let There Be House & In It Together Records 

exclusives that you will not hear anywhere else! 

This essential album comes complete with four continuous bonus mixes 

that'll keep you busy throughout the festive period and beyond. 

Let There Be House - In It Together - Music Is The Answer 






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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-Let_There_Be_House_and_In_It_Together_Records-The_Anthology_2021-(LTBHIITA002)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 1226463360 // files: 64


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