part of the remix.network

Insanity Circle – Las Campanas Siguen Sonando / DELVE150 / Delve Deeper Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Insanity Circle Las Campanas Siguen Sonando 02:08 5
2 Insanity Circle Primera Linea 07:18 17
3 Insanity Circle Oda Al Anochecer 06:30 15
4 Insanity Circle Ausencia 06:06 14
5 Insanity Circle Conservar El Recuerdo 06:40 15
6 Insanity Circle Retratos En Blanco 06:55 16
7 Insanity Circle Luna Llena 06:17 14
8 Insanity Circle Leaving 05:16 12
9 Insanity Circle Constantes Y Variables 07:22 17
10 Insanity Circle Ritual Para Una Reencarnacion Sin Olvido 06:43 15
11 Insanity Circle Una Utopia 08:39 20
12 Insanity Circle Tensa Calma 06:39 15
13 Insanity Circle Continuous Album Mix 71:11 163

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Insanity Circle
title > Las Campanas Siguen Sonando
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Deephouse 

label > Delve Deeper Recordings
catno > DELVE150

predate > 2021-12-23
tracks > 13 
size > 338.61 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/268609712
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3557109

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Insanity Circle - Las Campanas Siguen Sonando 2:08
02. Insanity Circle - Primera Linea 7:17
03. Insanity Circle - Oda Al Anochecer 6:30
04. Insanity Circle - Ausencia 6:05
05. Insanity Circle - Conservar El Recuerdo 6:40
06. Insanity Circle - Retratos En Blanco 6:55
07. Insanity Circle - Luna Llena 6:17
08. Insanity Circle - Leaving 5:16
09. Insanity Circle - Constantes Y Variables 7:22
10. Insanity Circle - Ritual Para Una Reencarnacion Sin Olvido 6:42
11. Insanity Circle - Una Utopia 8:38
12. Insanity Circle - Tensa Calma 6:38
13. Insanity Circle - Continuous Album Mix 11:07


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Brayan Sanchez aka Insanity Circle hails from the city of Medellin, 
Colombia. He is a very talented producer who teams with vocalist Paula 
Gonzalez to create forward thinking electronic music. I am delighted 
to present the debut album of Insanity Circle on DDR which covers a 
variety of genres, all crafted together to offer a truly unique, deep 
and atmospheric album. The album is both unmixed and mixed, which 
offers a unique listening journey from start until end. 

A few words from Brayan on the album: ''Las Campanas Siguen Sonando is 
the representation of the internal struggle that we live in day to day 
and the consequences that brings not being in balance with oneself. at 
the same time it is a message of hope, an invitation to not surrender 
to this circle of insanity called life. This album uses melancholy as 
the main tool of attraction, which could make you go back to the 
depths of your memories''. 

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last nfo update 2O211211
Insanity_Circle--Las_Campanas_Siguen_Sonando-(DELVE150)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 355306672 // files: 13


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