part of the remix.network

Yves Eaux, Octabar – See You Crying / CHROM066 / Chrom Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Yves Eaux, Octabar See You Crying 06:42 16
2 Yves Eaux, Octabar See You Crying (NILU & KAIMO Remix) 06:32 15
3 Yves Eaux, Octabar Take Me Down 07:10 16
4 Yves Eaux, Octabar Take Me Down (SNYL Remix) 06:56 16

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artist > Yves Eaux & Octabar
title > See You Crying
year > 2022
genre > House 
mood > Melodic x Progressive x Indie Dance 

label > Chrom Recordings
catno > CHROM066

predate > 2022-01-22
tracks > 4 
size > 62.88 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/280876621
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3601292

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Yves Eaux, Octabar - See You Crying 6:42
02. Yves Eaux, Octabar - See You Crying (NILU & KAIMO Remix) 6:32
03. Yves Eaux, Octabar - Take Me Down 7:09
04. Yves Eaux, Octabar - Take Me Down (SNYL Remix) 6:56


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Chrom is starting 2022 with a red hot new release by international 
DJ/producer and Award Winning Remixer Yves Eaux together with his 
longtime friend Octabar. The two Dutchmen are involved in organizing 
several prolific events around The Netherlands and share quite some 
time in the studio. Their extensive multi-genre producer experience 
and wide taste for electronic music makes their productions versatile 
and exciting. Without the pressure to stick within a certain style or 
genre. But one thing always remains: their music does magic on the 
dance floor. 

Their EP for Chrom is called "See You Crying" and contains 2 
originals. "We are very pleased to release these tracks on Chrom 
Recordings. When we produced these two we were already thinking of 
sending them to Pedro Mercado. I had so much fun with him in Ibiza and 
have followed his amazing label since. Octobar and I try to fuse 
little elements from other genres to our productions to give them a 
fresh perspective and a new vibe. The same t ... visit URL to read 

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last nfo update 2O211211
Yves_Eaux_x_Octabar--See_You_Crying-(CHROM066)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 66172494 // files: 4


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