part of the remix.network

VA – Already Mixed Vol. 26 Pt. 2 (Compiled & Mixed By Rory Cochrane) / COMPRMR026B / Ready Mix Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Stan Kolev Routts (DJ Friendly Mix) 07:41 18
2 Tim Andresen August Rain 06:16 14
3 Salski Can See (Jelly For The Babies Remix) 08:34 20
4 Trandel Aspera (Mihai Popoviciu Remix) 06:41 15
5 The Quasar, The Pressure Take Me Over (Gorge Remix) 08:29 19
6 Hraach Paseo De Los Tristes (Dave Pad Remix) 08:12 19
7 Tigran Gisher 05:47 13
8 Jalil B ID Ameggaz (BiG AL & BiGz & Highland Brothers UTD Remix) 06:02 14
9 Krippsoulisc Make A Move (Soire Remix) 08:13 19
10 John Creamer, Stephane K. feat. Nkemdi Wish You Were Here (Stan Kolev Remix – BiG AL's Edit) 06:05 14
11 Quicksound Phasah (Drum Tool) 01:57 4
12 Bigz Andalucia (Dave Pad Remix) 08:35 20
13 Stan Kolev Get There (Daniel Kyo Remix) 08:42 20
14 Deep Active Sound Other Culture 04:26 10
15 Rory Cochrane Already Mixed Vol.26 Pt. 2 (Compiled & Mixed by Rory Cochrane) (Continuous DJ Mix) 75:33 173

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artist > Various Artists
title > Already Mixed Vol. 26 Pt. 2 (Compiled & Mixed By Rory Cochrane)
year > 2022
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > Ready Mix Records
catno > COMPRMR026B

predate > 2022-01-30
tracks > 15 
size > 392.44 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/287708242
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3627045

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > Lame
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
source > WEB

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01. Stan Kolev - Routts (DJ Friendly Mix) 7:41
02. Tim Andresen - August Rain 6:16
03. Salski - Can See (Jelly For The Babies Remix) 8:34
04. Trandel - Aspera (Mihai Popoviciu Remix) 6:40
05. The Quasar, The Pressure - Take Me Over (Gorge Remix) 8:29
06. Hraach - Paseo De Los Tristes (Dave Pad Remix) 8:11
07. Tigran - Gisher 5:46
08. Jalil B - ID Ameggaz (BiG AL & BiGz & Highland Brothers UTD Rem 6:02
09. Krippsoulisc - Make A Move (Soire Remix) 8:13
10. John Creamer, Stephane K. feat. Nkemdi - Wish You Were Here (St 6:05
11. Quicksound - Phasah (Drum Tool) 1:57
12. Bigz - Andalucia (Dave Pad Remix) 8:35
13. Stan Kolev - Get There (Daniel Kyo Remix) 8:41
14. Deep Active Sound - Other Culture 4:26
15. Rory Cochrane - Already Mixed Vol.26 Pt. 2 (Compiled & Mixed by 15:30


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-dh release is missing the actual (Continuous DJ Mix)

We're back with the 26th instalment of the 'Already Mixed' VA 
compilation series, compiled and mixed by Newcastle's Rory Cochrane. 

Rory is the man behind the Deep Site label group which includes Deep 
Site Digital & Deep Site Vinylized with his partner and good friend 
Tom Krizic (DJ Funtom). 

Having released on some great labels such as Limitation Music, Oh! 
Stockholm, Deep Stitched, The Purr Music, Sound Vessel Records, Be 
Adult Music, Personal Belongings, UM Records and Deep Site, we are 
very excited to finally welcome him on Ready Mix Records. 

With over 20 years of DJing under his belt and gigs all over the world 
from Brazil to South Africa, Croatia, Ibiza and Prague, Rory delivers 
a West Coast influenced Deep House masterpiece that spans over 2 and a 
half hours, and is released in 2 Parts. 

Part 1 includes original tracks and remixes by Addex, Kiano & Below 
Bangkok, Moti Brothers, Savvas, VieL, BiG AL aka BiGz, Ruh, Bucher, 
Miss Disk, Staves, George X, Jean Vayat and Harlem Knight ... visit 
URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-Already_Mixed_Vol_26_Pt_2_(Compiled_and_Mixed_By_Rory_Cochrane)-(COMPRMR026B)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 411705122 // files: 15


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