part of the remix.network

Msolnusic – Into The Wild EP / TTBR011 / The Travelling Bear Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Msolnusic In The Woods 05:02 12
2 Msolnusic By The Lake 06:23 15
3 Msolnusic Cape Fold Frost 06:28 15

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artist > Msolnusic
title > Into The Wild EP
year > 2022
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > The Travelling Bear Records
catno > TTBR011

predate > 2022-03-16
tracks > 3 
size > 41.06 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/293189632
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3648494

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Msolnusic - In The Woods 5:02
02. Msolnusic - By The Lake 6:23
03. Msolnusic - Cape Fold Frost 6:28


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TTBR is proud to bring you MSOLNUSIC 

Those who know the Yorkshire based DJ/Producer, know to expect the 
unexpected. His inspired DJ sets and music are certainly out of the 
ordinary and production style either goes one way or the other, with 
no set genre being a rule. Productions ranging from lazy summer 
sounds, lush soundscapes Soulful House, Electronica to Jackin House, 
Tech House & deep hypnotic territory. One thing for sure he has a 
broad & creative musical mind. 

Into The Wild 

Imagine absolute silence and a place where time stands still, everyday 
city life is far from sight and can't be heard. The trees are tall 
with just a glimpse of sunlight surrounding a small opening on the 
ground, from which you see a path and this path takes you, 'Into The 
Wild'. This is where the sounds of the project truly come alive and 
are the only sounds around. At the end of the path you'll find a lake, 
here we experience our deepest thoughts by the water's edge. Finally 
we glance across the lake to s ... visit URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
Msolnusic--Into_The_Wild_EP-(TTBR011)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 42576557 // files: 6


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