part of the remix.network

Aney F – 10 Years Of Innocent Music LP (Dub Mixes) / IM197D / Innocent Music

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Aney F. For The Love Of Music (Extended Dub Mix) 05:34 13
2 Aney F., Elliot Chapman I Need You (Extended Dub Mix) 06:02 14
3 Aney F., Thomukas1 Glittery Roses (Extended Dub Mix) 06:10 14
4 Aney F., Louise Carver Somebody New (Extended Dub Mix) 06:40 15
5 Aney F., Mz Sunday Luv Find Me (Extended Dub Mix) 06:36 15
6 Aney F., Maja Predatoria Stranger (Extended Dub Mix) 05:39 13
7 Aney F., Celeda The Underground (Extended Dub Mix) 06:26 15
8 Aney F., The Roth Feelings (Extended Dub Mix) 06:41 15
9 Aney F., Mr. V Definition (Extended Dub Mix) 05:52 13
10 Aney F., Louise Carver Dangerous Love (Extended Dub Mix) 05:19 12
11 Aney F. Turn It On (Extended Dub 2022 Mix) 06:10 14
12 Aney F. Disco Jungle (Extended Dub Mix) 06:41 15

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                     < episode#33254 | transcoded armor >                      


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Aney F.
          title > 10 Years Of Innocent Music LP (Dub Mixes)
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > Innocent Music
          catno > IM197D

        predate > 2022-04-15
         tracks > 12           
           size > 169.31 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/303328077
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3665648

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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Aney F. - For The Love Of Music (Extended Dub Mix)              5:33
  02. Aney F., Elliot Chapman - I Need You (Extended Dub Mix)         6:01
  03. Aney F., Thomukas1 - Glittery Roses (Extended Dub Mix)          6:10
  04. Aney F., Louise Carver - Somebody New (Extended Dub Mix)        6:39
  05. Aney F., Mz Sunday Luv - Find Me (Extended Dub Mix)             6:36
  06. Aney F., Maja Predatoria - Stranger (Extended Dub Mix)          5:38
  07. Aney F., Celeda - The Underground (Extended Dub Mix)            6:26
  08. Aney F., The Roth - Feelings (Extended Dub Mix)                 6:41
  09. Aney F., Mr. V - Definition (Extended Dub Mix)                  5:52
  10. Aney F., Louise Carver - Dangerous Love (Extended Dub Mix)      5:19
  11. Aney F. - Turn It On (Extended Dub 2022 Mix)                    6:10
  12. Aney F. - Disco Jungle (Extended Dub Mix)                       6:40

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      Innocent Music presents new Debut Album release by head honcho Aney      
        F.! For this special 10 years label anniversary occasion Aney F.       
       prepared 12 new tracks in collaboration with various singers like       
      Celeda, Louise Carver, Elliot Chapman, Mz Sunday Luv and much more!      

     Innocent Music is played by some major names like: Marco Carola, Jamie    
        Jones, Carl Craig, Richie Hawtin, Paco Osuna, Seth Troxler, Guy        
     Gerber, Joseph Capriati, Solomun, tINI, Dennis Ferrer, Danny Tenaglia,    
      Mark Knight, Hot Since 82, John Digweed, Shlomi Aber, Steve Lawler,      
        Matthias Tanzmann, Nicole Moudaber, Leon, East End Dubs, Damian        
      Lazarus, Stefano Noferini, Butch, Smokin Jo, Kate Simko, Audiojack,      
       Hito, Gel Abril, Nadja Lind, Enzo Siragusa, Marco Faraone, Sidney       
      Charles, Mihai Popoviciu, Terry Francis, Waff, Serge Devant, Thomas      
                     Schumacher, Andrea Oliva and many more                    

                              Follow our Innocence                             

                   Send us your demo: [email protected]                   


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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Aney_F--10_Years_Of_Innocent_Music_LP_(Dub_Mixes)-(IM197D)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 177603899 // files: 12


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