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VA – Guareber Recordings 12th Anniversary Compilation / GRC220 / Guareber Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Ghostmasters Take Control (Extended Mix) 05:13 12
2 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez I Want A Man (Tonight) 2k21 (2k21 Mix) 05:41 13
3 Alan T & Omar Segura The Music Circuit 05:00 11
4 Binomio & Tom Siher Feat. Pol Rossignani Running (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix) 06:07 14
5 Ghostmasters Body Funk (Extended Mix) 05:52 13
6 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Your Life (Extended Mix) 04:58 11
7 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Brian Forrest All 4 Now 05:11 12
8 Pedro Pons The Dancer (Extended Mix) 06:06 14
9 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang 2night 2gether (Extended Mix) 05:29 13
10 Moussa Reset 05:45 13
11 Ghostmasters Essa Samba (Extended Mix) 05:13 12
12 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Nothing Can Stop Me (Extended Mix) 05:08 12
13 Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin Silence 2021 (Extended Mix) 06:22 15
14 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo Take Me Or Leave Me 05:38 13
15 Ghostmasters Ke Pasa (Extended Mix) 05:21 12
16 Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin Empty Streets 2k21 (2k21 Mix) 06:30 15
17 Rombe4t Ultra Funk 04:46 11
18 Esteban Lopez Jaguar (2k21 Mix) 06:22 15
19 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Brian Forrest Wind Changes 04:42 11
20 Disco Gurls Another Lover (Extended Mix) 05:17 12
21 Ghostmasters Control Yourself (Extended Mix) 05:25 12
22 Esteban Lopez & Binomio Feat. Soraya Don't Go 2k21 06:15 14
23 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Silky Wonder The Last Touch 05:04 12
24 Disco Gurls Take Me To The Party (Extended Mix) 05:21 12
25 Pedro Pons Sunchyme (2k21 Mix) 06:15 14
26 Ghostmasters & The Grooveband California Dreams (Extended Mix) 04:46 11
27 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Broken Dreams (Extended Mix) 05:48 13
28 Manuel De Diego Feat. Fruela Dance With Matrix 05:37 13
29 Ghostmasters Let Me Down (Extended Mix) 04:46 11
30 Pedro Pons Bellissima 2k21 (Extended Mix) 06:15 14
31 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo Castles In The Sky 2k21 (Extended Mix) 05:15 12
32 Hugo Sanchez & Thomas Solvert Shamu 2021 (Alessander Gelassi Colombian Remix) 06:59 16
33 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Stay (Extended Mix) 06:37 15
34 Disco Gurls Around The Disco 04:48 11
35 Velarde, Luque & Vitti Feat. Giovanna Serious Emotions (Hugo Sanchez Remix) 06:49 16
36 Luis Erre & DJ David Mv Rought Declaration 06:24 15
37 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Let's Do It (Extended Mix) 04:50 11
38 Juseph Leon & Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin Your Disco Needs You 2k21 06:19 14
39 Ghostmasters Feel The Funk (Extended Mix) 05:12 12
40 De Felipe Feat. La Huesito Pepinazo 05:39 13
41 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Flash Dance (Extended Mix) 05:24 12
42 Pedro Pons & Andrea Pol Be My Lover 06:07 14
43 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo Breathe (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix) 06:07 14
44 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang In Xanadu (Extended Mix) 04:44 11
45 Ghostmasters U Got The Feeling (Extended Mix) 05:17 12
46 Hugo Sanchez & Daniel Karman Oye Mami! 06:39 15
47 Pedro Pons The Launch (Extended Mix) 05:37 13
48 Disco Gurls Good Delight (Extended Mix) 05:13 12
49 Ghostmasters Looking 4 Luv (Extended Mix) 05:17 12
50 Alessander Gelassi Tierra 06:26 15
51 Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang Every Breath U Take (Extended Mix) 04:44 11
52 Esteban Lopez & Dave Urania Feat. Roxy Rosario The Power Of Love 2k21 06:07 14
53 Ghostmasters Night In Bangkok (Extended Mix) 05:37 13

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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

       VA - Guareber Recordings 12th Anniversary Compilation       

     ARTiST..[ Various Artists                                       
     TiTLE...[ Guareber Recordings 12th Anniversary Compilation      
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT-NR..[ GRC220               
      LABEL...[ Guareber Recordings     ENCODER.[ Lame                 
      YEAR....[ 2022                    QUALiTY.[ MP3 320kbps/44.1hz   
      SOURCE..[ Web (Flac)              MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 298:18                  RiP.DATE[ 04.29.2022           
      TRACKS..[ 53                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 683.72 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Ghostmasters - Take Control (Extended Mix)        05:13      
      02  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez - I Want A Man         05:41      
          (Tonight) 2k21 (2k21 Mix)                                    
      03  Alan T & Omar Segura - The Music Circuit          05:00      
      04  Binomio & Tom Siher Feat. Pol Rossignani -        06:07      
          Running (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix)                
      05  Ghostmasters - Body Funk (Extended Mix)           05:52      
      06  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Your Life       04:58      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      07  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Brian Forrest -  05:11      
          All 4 Now                                                    
      08  Pedro Pons - The Dancer (Extended Mix)            06:06      
      09  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - 2night 2gether  05:29      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      10  Moussa - Reset                                    05:45      
      11  Ghostmasters - Essa Samba (Extended Mix)          05:13      
      12  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Nothing Can     05:08      
          Stop Me (Extended Mix)                                       
      13  Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin - Silence 2021    06:22      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      14  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo - Take Me   05:38      
          Or Leave Me                                                  
      15  Ghostmasters - Ke Pasa (Extended Mix)             05:21      
      16  Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin - Empty Streets   06:30      
          2k21 (2k21 Mix)                                              
      17  Rombe4t - Ultra Funk                              04:46      
      18  Esteban Lopez - Jaguar (2k21 Mix)                 06:22      
      19  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Brian Forrest -  04:42      
          Wind Changes                                                 
      20  Disco Gurls - Another Lover (Extended Mix)        05:17      
      21  Ghostmasters - Control Yourself (Extended Mix)    05:25      
      22  Esteban Lopez & Binomio Feat. Soraya - Don't Go   06:15      
      23  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Silky Wonder -   05:03      
          The Last Touch                                               
      24  Disco Gurls - Take Me To The Party (Extended Mix) 05:21      
      25  Pedro Pons - Sunchyme (2k21 Mix)                  06:15      
      26  Ghostmasters & The Grooveband - California Dreams 04:46      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      27  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Broken Dreams   05:48      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      28  Manuel De Diego Feat. Fruela - Dance With Matrix  05:37      
      29  Ghostmasters - Let Me Down (Extended Mix)         04:46      
      30  Pedro Pons - Bellissima 2k21 (Extended Mix)       06:15      
      31  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo - Castles   05:15      
          In The Sky 2k21 (Extended Mix)                               
      32  Hugo Sanchez & Thomas Solvert - Shamu 2021        06:59      
          (Alessander Gelassi Colombian Remix)                         
      33  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Stay            06:37      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      34  Disco Gurls - Around The Disco                    04:48      
      35  Velarde, Luque & Vitti Feat. Giovanna - Serious   06:48      
          Emotions (Hugo Sanchez Remix)                                
      36  Luis Erre & DJ David Mv - Rought Declaration      06:24      
      37  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Let's Do It     04:50      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      38  Juseph Leon & Esteban Lopez Feat. Lena Martin -   06:18      
          Your Disco Needs You 2k21                                    
      39  Ghostmasters - Feel The Funk (Extended Mix)       05:12      
      40  De Felipe Feat. La Huesito - Pepinazo             05:39      
      41  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Flash Dance     05:23      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      42  Pedro Pons & Andrea Pol - Be My Lover             06:07      
      43  Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Feat. Pkdo - Breathe   06:07      
          (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix)                        
      44  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - In Xanadu       04:43      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      45  Ghostmasters - U Got The Feeling (Extended Mix)   05:17      
      46  Hugo Sanchez & Daniel Karman - Oye Mami!          06:39      
      47  Pedro Pons - The Launch (Extended Mix)            05:37      
      48  Disco Gurls - Good Delight (Extended Mix)         05:13      
      49  Ghostmasters - Looking 4 Luv (Extended Mix)       05:17      
      50  Alessander Gelassi - Tierra                       06:26      
      51  Disco Gurls Feat. The Soul Gang - Every Breath U  04:44      
          Take (Extended Mix)                                          
      52  Esteban Lopez & Dave Urania Feat. Roxy Rosario -  06:07      
          The Power Of Love 2k21                                       
      53  Ghostmasters - Night In Bangkok (Extended Mix)    05:36      

                                                    TOTAL: 298:18      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
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                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
VA-Guareber_Recordings_12th_Anniversary_Compilation-(GRC220)-WEB-2022-OMA // filesize: 717132406 // files: 53


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