part of the remix.network

VA – Modulism, Vol. 2 / PLTM002 / Polyptych Bundles

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Roumie Fujian (Mixed) 07:17 17
2 Sayman Infinito (Mixed) 05:59 14
3 Reboq Something Is Gone (Tvardovsky Dub Remix) (Mixed) 04:10 10
4 TH Moy Ciudad Perdida (Mixed) 04:25 10
5 Jorgio Kioris Manifesto (Mixed) 04:10 10
6 Plus Thirty Overload (Mixed) 05:28 13
7 Initial Eyes Orwellian State (Mixed) 04:25 10
8 Daniel Curotto Keeping a Line (Mixed) 07:48 18
9 Blackloud, I.S.C.O Wagyu (Mixed) 05:12 12
10 Yad, Riggel Reflection (Riggel Version) (Mixed) 05:16 12
11 B Selekt Bambule (Mixed) 05:43 13
12 Audio Cycles Temptation (Mixed) 05:00 11
13 Intaktogene, Acy Clemento Mori (Starkato Remix) (Mixed) 05:12 12
14 Audio Cycles Namaste (Skapi Remix) (Mixed) 04:48 11

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                       < episode#35773 | lymphic kapow >                       


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Various Artists
          title > Modulism, Vol. 2
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronica           

          label > Polyptych Bundles
          catno > PLTM002

        predate > 2022-05-09
         tracks > 14           
           size > 171.77 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/312369547
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3723719

                  |                 |\
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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Roumie - Fujian (Mixed)                                         7:17
  02. Sayman - Infinito (Mixed)                                       5:59
  03. Reboq - Something Is Gone (Tvardovsky Dub Remix) (Mixed)        4:09
  04. TH Moy - Ciudad Perdida (Mixed)                                 4:25
  05. Jorgio Kioris - Manifesto (Mixed)                               4:09
  06. Plus Thirty - Overload (Mixed)                                  5:27
  07. Initial Eyes - Orwellian State (Mixed)                          4:25
  08. Daniel Curotto - Keeping a Line (Mixed)                         7:48
  09. Blackloud, I.S.C.O - Wagyu (Mixed)                              5:12
  10. Yad, Riggel - Reflection (Riggel Version) (Mixed)               5:16
  11. B Selekt - Bambule (Mixed)                                      5:43
  12. Audio Cycles - Temptation (Mixed)                               5:00
  13. Intaktogene, Acy - Clemento Mori (Starkato Remix) (Mixed)       5:12
  14. Audio Cycles - Namaste (Skapi Remix) (Mixed)                    4:48

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          We are glad to welcome Basil O'Glue to the 2nd volume of the         
                              "Modulism" Project.                              

        Haris Vasiloglou better known as the man behind the name "Basil        
      O'Glue" is a producer, dj, radio host and label co-owner of Saturate     
      Audio. He is considered without any doubts to be the Greek leader of     
                    the dark underground progressive sound.                    

        Born and raised in the cultural city of Athens and now based in        
       Northern Greece away from the cosmopolitan environment and the big      
     city lights, Basil O'Glue crafts his unforgettable dark and mysterious    
       trance journeys. He was exposed from his very early years on indie      
     dance bands as The Prodigy & The Chemical Brothers. He felt very soon     
      the urge to produce his own electronic dance music with some amateur     
     software. From those years of experimentation to 2014 Basil O Glue as     
       a result of his devotion, hard work and endless days and sleepless      
        nights established himself as one of the most influential trance       
                          producer of his generation.                          

        He manage track after track to build ... visit URL to read more        

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-Modulism_Vol_2-(PLTM002)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 180193720 // files: 14


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