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Tristan Armes – Nightfall Only Now / SYC144 / Synth Collective

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Tristan Armes Nightfall (Original Mix) 05:50 13
2 Tristan Armes Only Now (Original Mix) 06:45 15

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A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] Tristan Armes
                 [: TITLE...... :] Nightfall / Only Now
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2022-11-03
                 [: LABEL...... :] Synth Collective
                 [: CAT NR..... :] SYC144
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 2
                 [: SIZE....... :] 29m
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME 3.100 -b 320
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: SOURCE..... :] WEB (FLAC)
                 [: URL........ :] https://store.tidal.com/nz/album/254277594

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Nightfall (Original Mix) ..................... 05:50      
             02. Only Now (Original Mix) ...................... 06:45      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

             It's with deep sympathy we welcome back UK-based Tristan Armes, 
             as we delve into this quaint season of autumn.
             This underrated artist has crafted two new tracks that are 
             melodic powerhouses without showing off, light vocal touches dot 
             the smooth and relaxed atmospheres, smart chord progressions and 
             an overall effortless aura of sunshine carrying onto the 
             Take a walk into the 'Nightfall' and experience the moment 'Only 
             now' with Tristan Armes and his new beautiful progressive 

               [ ::..  GROUP   NEWS ..:: ]           

              We are currently looking for:             

                  *   100+ Mbit EU PREsites                     

                    [ ::.. C O N T A C T ..:: ]                  

                [ ::.. GROUP  GREETS ..::]              

Tristan_Armes-Nightfall__Only_Now-(SYC144)-WEB-2022-AFO // filesize: 23108744 // files: 5


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