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VA – 3 Years of Serial Expressionism : A Jiggy Astronaut Music Story / JAMVA003 / Jiggy Astronaut Music

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 MusiQueTemple What's Your Name Musiquetemple 08:48 20
2 Synth-O-Ven Digital Fantasy 07:10 17
3 Andy D I Move to a Different Beat 06:38 15
4 Dew Stelmakhov Unbeatable 06:00 14
5 Menzaro Suzaki feat Nakiso When Aliens Meet 05:38 13
6 Legacy202 Slow Bloom (Intake Dub) 07:15 17
7 Subduxtion Cold World 06:56 16
8 Kooscha Rainy Day Jam 08:17 19
9 Le Code Sand Wave 06:13 14
10 Markus Masuhr Liberte Detendue 06:53 16
11 Subground 3000 Hot Stepping (Dubplate Mix) 07:31 17
12 Krisz Deak Kacaj 07:21 17
13 Special Zip Blue Electric Rain 06:45 16
14 Moodeep Body of Forest 06:15 14
15 M21 & Khirbert Qeifaya Anthem of Persona 07:35 18
16 Lekwats Dipoko 06:13 14
17 Lekwats Undecarpet 09:00 21
18 Asymmetric 200622.2A 06:17 15
19 Wataru Naruse Coral Reef 05:24 13
20 Sheriff Dj Say Yes (Slow Life Mix) 05:46 13
21 Andy Martin Echoes from the Jungle 07:08 17
22 Stereo Ape feat Ndogo Gee Misaumie (Space Lab Remix) 07:12 17
23 RJam Major Walk 06:13 14
24 Phonika The World Was Informed 07:34 18
25 Augustino Shimane Out of Khodam 07:02 16
26 Absxntminded Castor and Pullox Of 06:17 15
27 Kid Tempo Return to Sender 07:58 18
28 Rol Lux Junio Mastering 07:00 16
29 6Lvck Rose Freaks Come Out 06:30 15
30 Flux Vortex Sitar Dub Techno 07:09 17
31 Stereo Ape feat Ndogo Gee Misaumie (Kirill Torno's Not Remix) 06:56 16
32 Absxntminded Reassurance 07:43 18

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                       < episode#48633 | indigo fetus >                        


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         artist > Various Artists
          title > 3 Years of Serial Expressionism : A Jiggy Astronaut Music Story
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > deep tech x minimal x dub           

          label > Jiggy Astronaut Music
          catno > JAMVA003

        predate > 2022-11-05
         tracks > 32           
           size > 515.19 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/331791967
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3795076

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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. MusiQueTemple - What's Your Name Musiquetemple                  8:47
  02. Synth-O-Ven - Digital Fantasy                                   7:10
  03. Andy D - I Move to a Different Beat                             6:37
  04. Dew Stelmakhov - Unbeatable                                     6:00
  05. Menzaro Suzaki feat Nakiso - When Aliens Meet                   5:37
  06. Legacy202 - Slow Bloom (Intake Dub)                             7:14
  07. Subduxtion - Cold World                                         6:56
  08. Kooscha - Rainy Day Jam                                         8:17
  09. Le Code - Sand Wave                                             6:13
  10. Markus Masuhr - Liberte Detendue                                6:52
  11. Subground 3000 - Hot Stepping (Dubplate Mix)                    7:31
  12. Krisz Deak - Kacaj                                              7:21
  13. Special Zip - Blue Electric Rain                                6:45
  14. Moodeep - Body of Forest                                        6:15
  15. M21 & Khirbert Qeifaya - Anthem of Persona                      7:34
  16. Lekwats - Dipoko                                                6:12
  17. Lekwats - Undecarpet                                            9:00
  18. Asymmetric - 200622.2A                                          6:16
  19. Wataru Naruse - Coral Reef                                      5:24
  20. Sheriff Dj - Say Yes (Slow Life Mix)                            5:46
  21. Andy Martin - Echoes from the Jungle                            7:08
  22. Stereo Ape feat Ndogo Gee - Misaumie (Space Lab Remix)          7:12
  23. RJam - Major Walk                                               6:12
  24. Phonika - The World Was Informed                                7:34
  25. Augustino Shimane - Out of Khodam                               7:02
  26. Absxntminded - Castor and Pullox Of                             6:17
  27. Kid Tempo - Return to Sender                                    7:57
  28. Rol Lux - Junio Mastering                                       7:00
  29. 6Lvck Rose - Freaks Come Out                                    6:30
  30. Flux Vortex - Sitar Dub Techno                                  7:09
  31. Stereo Ape feat Ndogo Gee - Misaumie (Kirill Torno's Not Remix) 6:56
  32. Absxntminded - Reassurance                                      7:42

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     Greetings family To celebrate with you our 3 year anniversary we have     
      compiled this beautiful body of work as a token of our appreciation      
      for your support and love. Let us take you on a journey out of space     
     and let you explore extraterrestrial forms of Serial Expressionism. A     
      journey through sound that leads you beyond the stars right into the     
      multiverse an extraterrestrial groove that hits beyond the galaxies      
        leaving your body levitating to the rhythm Special Thanks To The       
       Following Fellow Astronauts : Le Code, Menzaro Suzaki, Asymmetric,      
         Flux Vortex, Subground 3000, Subduxtion, Nakiso, absxntminded,        
      Lekwats, Kid Tempo, RJam, Krisz Deak, Markus Masuhr, Special Zip,Dew     
      Stelmakhov,Wataru Naruse,Andy D,Legacy202,SheriffDJ,Phonika,Synth-O-     
     Ven,Augusino Shimane,Kooscha ,MooDeep,MusiQueTemple,Stereo Ape ,Kirill    
     Torno,Ndogo Gee,6LvcK Rose,M21&Khirbet Qeifaya,Gary Cooper for making     
     this project possible. Serial Expressionism - Its typical trait is to     
                   present the world solely from a subjective                  

                            ... read more at shopurl                           

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-3_Years_Of_Serial_Expressionism__A_Jiggy_Astronaut_Music_Story-(JAMVA003)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 536955793 // files: 32


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