part of the remix.network

VA – Spring Tide, Vol. 3 / BATRECST003 / Batavia Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Processing Vessel Spring Is My Love 05:49 13
2 Tsile Open Your Present 05:32 13
3 V77NNY Safari Ya Kina 07:21 17
4 Sizz Nickhrome Sea Storm 08:58 21
5 Tshegotmm & El' Nostrum Looking at the Starz 07:21 17
6 Zaven Dust Over Dust 06:08 14
7 Sinan Kaya She Said 05:47 13

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Various Artists
          title > Spring Tide, Vol. 3
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > Batavia Records
          catno > BATRECST003

        predate > 2022-11-25
         tracks > 7           
           size > 108.44 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/313899967
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3729505

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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...

  01. Processing Vessel - Spring Is My Love                           5:49
  02. Tsile - Open Your Present                                       5:32
  03. V77NNY - Safari Ya Kina                                         7:20
  04. Sizz Nickhrome - Sea Storm                                      8:58
  05. Tshegotmm & El' Nostrum - Looking at the Starz                  7:21
  06. Zaven - Dust Over Dust                                          6:08
  07. Sinan Kaya - She Said                                           5:47

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 :....::. .                                                               ..: 

       When a ship enters unexplored and unpredictable waters where high       
     waves and deep streams below the surface are a common occurrence, it's    
        a feeling akin to experiencing another 'Spring Tide, Vol.3' mini       
         series. This series features various artists and remix artists        
      supporting each other on projects to show their love for Deep House.     
     We would like to give a warm welcome to some new sailors to join us on    
       this Journey: V77NNY, Sinan Kaya, Sizz Nickhrome, 'El Nostrum and       
       known names such as Processing Vessel, ZaVen, TshegoTMM and Tsile.      

      This album contains various styles of Deep House and will serve as a     
      platform to showcase different projects and remixes which cannot be      
     released on mainstream platforms, but should still be very interesting    
                       for music lovers across the globe.                      

                                   Ahoy Enjoy                                  

      :     x                                                           .:
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  \  \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +)
    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-Spring_Tide_Vol_3-(BATRECST003)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 45747256 // files: 10


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