part of the remix.network

Pornbugs – Samtosha & Prudencia EP / ACKERDUB044 / Acker Records ___:__ _

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Pornbugs Samtosha 06:51 16
2 Pornbugs Samtosha (Leeni & Danilo Kupfernagel Remix) 06:13 14
3 Pornbugs Prudencia 06:47 16
4 Pornbugs Prudencia (Frink Remix) 06:56 16

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              :    '  `$$$$$.`$$ shelter --
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 ::::: :::::  :           .                        \/H2o!  .        .
 ::::: :::::  .
 :::::.::::'     artist....: Pornbugs                               :
 :::::        .  album.....: Samtosha & Prudencia EP                .
              :  type......: EP                                      
              :  genre.....: House                                  .
              |  style.....: Deep House, Minimal, Deep Tech         :
              |  label.....: Acker Records                       ___:__ _
              :  catalognr.: ACKERDUB044                             
             .|  url.......: http://www.acker-records.de             
             :|  rel.date..: 2023.01.16                              
             ||  str.date..: 2023.01.13                              
             ||  source....: WEB > WAV                              .
             ||  grabber...: N/A                                    .
             $|  encoder...: Lame 3.100                              
             ||  quality...: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo        
             ||  tracks....: 4                                       
             ||  size......: 61,32 MB                                
             ||  length....: 26:47                                   
             ||              .
           __||______________:_______________________ /             :
             '|   $$$$'      :                      //__ __ _      _:______
              :   $$$$       :                     /                :
              :   $$$$       |  tracklist:                          :
              .   $$$$       :                   /                  .
                  $$$$       .
                  $$$$ 01. Samtosha                                   06:51
                  $$$$ 02. Samtosha (Leeni & Danilo Kupfernagel Remix)06:13
                  $$$$ 03. Prudencia                                  06:47
                  $$$$ 04. Prudencia (Frink Remix)                    06:56
                  $$$$                                   total time:  26:47
                  `$$$.______:___ _                                     .
                     $       :                                          :
                     :      .:                                          $
         .                  :|   support the artists - go to the show   $  .
         .                  ||     buy the original - get the tshirt    $c,$
        _:__ _              ||           .                              $$$$
         :                  |:__ _   _ __$,. ___  _ __ _____________.___$$$'
         .         ____.    :        ____'____.                     '
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      t0!|:.  '   |:.  |   |:.  `   |:.  |:.      |:.  `   |:.  |e^D

          release notes:

          Pornbugs crank up their rhythm machines to give us a nudge, 
          A groove that goes down as sweet and smooth as fudge, The   
          swirling pad sounds feel warm and tender, Painting our souls
          with the emotions of splendour. Solidity and flow,          
          sensuality and pressure: Also the remixes provide mighty    
          reasons for dancefloor pleasure.                            



          .                                                         |.
          .                                 .:                      |:
         _:_____ __ _      ___     _ _______$$                      ||
          :                 |            $$$$$                      $|
                            :            $$$$$    the posse '96     |:
                            .            $$$$$       salutes        |.
                                         $$$$$                      |
                                   ______$$$$$_____ ___ __ _       _| ___ _
               six  a.m.  corporate  media  machine  doesnt  stop   ||
               talking  about  just another  war somewhere.  neon   ||
               sunrise crushing  through  grey clouds. industrial   |:
               wasteland.  dry burned eyes mirroring white lines.   |.
               in  front  of  this  machine for hours now. was it   :
               days?  caffeine,  nicotine,  amphetamine.  getting   :
               stats  up.   trans   atlantic   glide.   ice  cold   .
               technology versus the weakness of the human flesh.
               digital  deconstruction.

               we  love  this  game   and  salute  everybody  who
               is  there  since  the  glory  days  of  the  baud!
             _,_                   _________________ ___ __ _
              |                          $$$$$'
              :   remeber to call our    $$$$$  ______
              .   worldwide boards       $$$$$__$$$$'
              ,                                 $$C'
Pornbugs--Samtosha_and_Prudencia_EP-(ACKERDUB044)-WEB-2023-SHELTER // filesize: 62699579 // files:


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