part of the remix.network

VA – In Love: 5 Years of MI4L / MI4LVA001 / Music is 4 Lovers

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Nico Mendez Dealin (The Revenge Remix) 07:37 17
2 Brett Johnson x Mikey V x Stephan Vera Always (Mihai Popoviciu's Pina Remix) 06:31 15
3 Louie Fresco Raziel (The Mekanism Remix) 06:27 15
4 Louie Fresco Slow (Till Von Sein Remix) 06:34 15
5 Pattern Drama Lazy (German Brigante Remix) 06:35 15
6 Timo Maas Die Schraube (Anja Schneider Remix) 07:24 17
7 Alex Adamov Empty Streets 08:15 19
8 Mike Spirit Secret Gaetano 06:46 16
9 Cristhian Balcazar Flow Down (Igor Vicente Remix) 08:19 19
10 DuBeats Mesmerized 07:16 17
11 Paloma. Canto De Media Noche 06:24 15
12 Paloma. Canto De Media Noche (SAAND Remix) 06:16 14
13 Albert Dimeo x Rafael Drager x Yirvin Kiss Me 06:22 15
14 Louie Fresco This Must Be Deep 07:49 18
15 Juany Bravo Loco (Mirko Di Florio Remix) 05:50 13
16 Anatta Kickback Afterhours 05:48 13
17 Cormac (US) Next Level 05:44 13
18 Thomas Garcia x Late Niite Day Dreaming 05:49 13
19 Memo Rex Blur 07:07 16
20 Anderson M Dimensions 07:07 16
21 Jesusdapnk x Ivonne Calvillo Noche 05:15 12
22 ThedamnSam Keep Livin' 05:37 13
23 Susio Around You 04:21 10
24 Maikm Amelioration 09:30 22
25 Carerra & Tavares Ardent 06:00 14
26 Morpei Siente El Rhythm 07:02 16
27 The Soul Brothers Pajarito 07:57 18
28 Kieran Ishimaru Kazaguruma 05:05 12
29 Ramin Majlessi Careless 06:09 14
30 GruuvElement's x Manolaco Munchielicius 07:17 17
31 Memo Rex Circles 07:34 17
32 FreedomB Wuzzi 05:30 13
33 Mau Zeti In My Heart 06:55 16
34 Mitch Dodge Back/Forth (Ekoboy Remix) 05:00 12
35 Mirko Di Florio Cocorita 05:27 13
36 Nik Thrine The Secret 06:47 16
37 Nik Thrine The Secret (Sante & Re.You Remix) 06:19 15
38 Justin Vilhauer In The Morning 06:03 14
39 Berf Bikini Bottom 08:31 20
40 Jordano Roosevelt Crazy For You 07:32 17

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                       < episode#64499 | rabies rapid >                        


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         artist > Various Artists
          title > In Love: 5 Years of MI4L
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > minimal x tech house           

          label > Music Is 4 Lovers
          catno > MI4LVA001

        predate > 2023-04-15
         tracks > 40           
           size > 611.35 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/418004027
            buy > https://www.junodownload.com/products/6031031-02

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Nico Mendez - Dealin (The Revenge Remix)                        7:36
  02. Brett Johnson x Mikey V x Stephan Vera - Always (Mihai Popovici 6:31
  03. Louie Fresco - Raziel (The Mekanism Remix)                      6:27
  04. Louie Fresco - Slow (Till Von Sein Remix)                       6:34
  05. Pattern Drama - Lazy (German Brigante Remix)                    6:35
  06. Timo Maas - Die Schraube (Anja Schneider Remix)                 7:24
  07. Alex Adamov - Empty Streets                                     8:15
  08. Mike Spirit - Secret Gaetano                                    6:46
  09. Cristhian Balcazar - Flow Down (Igor Vicente Remix)             8:18
  10. DuBeats - Mesmerized                                            7:15
  11. Paloma. - Canto De Media Noche                                  6:24
  12. Paloma. - Canto De Media Noche (SAAND Remix)                    6:16
  13. Albert Dimeo x Rafael Drager x Yirvin - Kiss Me                 6:22
  14. Louie Fresco - This Must Be Deep                                7:48
  15. Juany Bravo - Loco (Mirko Di Florio Remix)                      5:50
  16. Anatta - Kickback Afterhours                                    5:47
  17. Cormac (US) - Next Level                                        5:43
  18. Thomas Garcia x Late Niite - Day Dreaming                       5:49
  19. Memo Rex - Blur                                                 7:07
  20. Anderson M - Dimensions                                         7:06
  21. Jesusdapnk x Ivonne Calvillo - Noche                            5:14
  22. ThedamnSam - Keep Livin'                                        5:37
  23. Susio - Around You                                              4:21
  24. Maikm - Amelioration                                            9:29
  25. Carerra & Tavares - Ardent                                      6:00
  26. Morpei - Siente El Rhythm                                       7:02
  27. The Soul Brothers - Pajarito                                    7:56
  28. Kieran Ishimaru - Kazaguruma                                    5:04
  29. Ramin Majlessi - Careless                                       6:09
  30. GruuvElement's x Manolaco - Munchielicius                       7:16
  31. Memo Rex - Circles                                              7:34
  32. FreedomB - Wuzzi                                                5:30
  33. Mau Zeti - In My Heart                                          6:55
  34. Mitch Dodge - Back/Forth (Ekoboy Remix)                         5:00
  35. Mirko Di Florio - Cocorita                                      5:27
  36. Nik Thrine - The Secret                                         6:46
  37. Nik Thrine - The Secret (Sante & Re.You Remix)                  6:19
  38. Justin Vilhauer - In The Morning                                6:03
  39. Berf - Bikini Bottom                                            8:30
  40. Jordano Roosevelt - Crazy For You                               7:31

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           => another curated quality pick > feed the horse + ioio <=          

      :     x                                                           .:
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  \  \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +)
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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-In_Love-5_Years_Of_MI4L-(MI4LVA001)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 634726298 // files:


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