part of the remix.network

VA – Progressive Soundscapes 002 / TAALP002 / The Audio Atelier

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Weird Sounding Dude Star Child (Nopi Remix) 07:36 17
2 Gavin Rochford Zinc (Dabeat Remix) 07:25 17
3 Td Heart Disposal (Hot Tuneik Remix) 09:24 22
4 Leo Delgado Boreal Sunrise (Monojoke Remix) 07:05 16
5 Madloch Walls 08:04 18
6 Some Little Things Vlad Draculea (Matias Chilano Remix) 08:48 20
7 Christopher Fafa 05.20 Am (Robert R. Hardy Remix) 07:36 17
8 Han Haak Slaves In Transit (Matt Cahil Remix) 11:09 26
9 Uvo Until The End (Navid Mehr Remix) 07:08 16
10 Madloch Fiction (Digital Mix) 08:40 20
11 Bynomic Frozen Dreams (Hacobb Remix) 07:11 16
12 Kenshi Kamaro Nebula (Christian Monique Remix) 07:22 17
13 Stan Seba They Are Coming Tonight (Jayden Klight Remix) 04:26 10
14 Audioglider Even A Stopped Clock (Ge Bruny Remix) 07:46 18
15 Mister Howington Nebula (Tristan Case Remix) 07:57 18
16 Madloch & Antti Rasi Salty Roads 10:10 23
17 Bynomic Forbidden Fruits (Owersound Remix) 08:31 20
18 Andres Moris Inner Strength 07:11 16
19 Ruh (Se) From The Hills (Figueras Remix) 06:37 15
20 Subnode Lost Connection 07:50 18
21 Leandro Murua Endless 07:05 16
22 Juan Sapia Stolen Innocence 08:36 20
23 La Vue Hampi (Nishan Lee Remix) 06:54 16
24 Sinan Arsan Circle (Cedren & Manu-L Remix) 07:33 17
25 Daraspa Rendro 07:28 17
26 Cristian R & Kasall Solar Eclipse 08:00 18
27 Tenerfuse & Fromme Feel 08:20 19
28 Murat Ustun Recall 07:17 17
29 Daraspa Patterns 07:25 17
30 K Nass Paradigm 08:19 19
31 Ricardo Piedra Perdide (Christopher Fafa Remix) 08:31 19
32 Seven Wells Somewhere In The East (Luman Remix) 09:00 21
33 VA O.N.E. Fog (Montw Remix) 09:02 21
34 Denny Loco & Tues (It) Ibla 06:25 15
35 Alberto Sainz & Idan Gerber Yalla Balagan (Stan Seba Remix) 08:32 20
36 Clark Wohlert Mondfeuchte 07:32 17
37 Janik Kamerling Lost 08:02 18
38 Paul (Ar) Sadly 10:08 23
39 Tenerfuse Irradiance 07:54 18
40 Matias Carafa Malimba 08:36 20
41 Belms Stay (Echo Babylon Remix) 08:12 19
42 Stan Seba Incredible Times 08:50 20
43 Alpha21 Pasikudah (Ramin Helvet Remix) 09:05 21
44 Nico Beren Sagarmatha (Jadeck Remix) 07:28 17
45 Tommy Orellano Blossom (Agustin Pietrocola Remix) 08:36 20
46 Kenshi Kamaro Gjallarhorn 08:52 20
47 Salazar (Col) Karma (Pad One Remix) 08:31 20
48 Sapienta Unlock (Blue Cell Remix) 08:48 20
49 Nico Bruno Prisma (Christian Monique Remix) 07:52 18
50 Agustin Basulto & Eli Luv Lapiz 06:37 15

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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

                  VA - Progressive Soundscapes 002                 

     ARTiST..[ Various Artists                                       
     TiTLE...[ Progressive Soundscapes 002                           
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT-NR..[ TAALP002             
      LABEL...[ The Audio Atelier       ENCODER.[ Lame                 
      YEAR....[ 2023                    QUALiTY.[ MP3 320kbps/44,1hz   
      SOURCE..[ Web                     MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 401:15                  RiP.DATE[ 06.09.2023           
      TRACKS..[ 50                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 919,14 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Weird Sounding Dude - Star Child (Nopi Remix)     07:36      
      02  Gavin Rochford - Zinc (Dabeat Remix)              07:24      
      03  Td - Heart Disposal (Hot Tuneik Remix)            09:24      
      04  Leo Delgado - Boreal Sunrise (Monojoke Remix)     07:05      
      05  Madloch - Walls                                   08:04      
      06  Some Little Things - Vlad Draculea                08:48      
          (Matias Chilano Remix)                                       
      07  Christopher Fafa - 05.20 Am                       07:36      
          (Robert R. Hardy Remix)                                      
      08  Han Haak - Slaves In Transit (Matt Cahil Remix)   11:09      
      09  Uvo - Until The End (Navid Mehr Remix)            07:08      
      10  Madloch - Fiction (Digital Mix)                   08:40      
      11  Bynomic - Frozen Dreams (Hacobb Remix)            07:11      
      12  Kenshi Kamaro - Nebula (Christian Monique Remix)  07:22      
      13  Stan Seba - They Are Coming Tonight               04:26      
          (Jayden Klight Remix)                                        
      14  Audioglider - Even A Stopped Clock                07:46      
          (Ge Bruny Remix)                                             
      15  Mister Howington - Nebula (Tristan Case Remix)    07:56      
      16  Madloch & Antti Rasi - Salty Roads                10:10      
      17  Bynomic - Forbidden Fruits (Owersound Remix)      08:31      
      18  Andres Moris - Inner Strength                     07:10      
      19  Ruh (Se) - From The Hills (Figueras Remix)        06:36      
      20  Subnode - Lost Connection                         07:50      
      21  Leandro Murua - Endless                           07:05      
      22  Juan Sapia - Stolen Innocence                     08:35      
      23  La Vue - Hampi (Nishan Lee Remix)                 06:53      
      24  Sinan Arsan - Circle (Cedren & Manu-L Remix)      07:32      
      25  Daraspa - Rendro                                  07:28      
      26  Cristian R & Kasall - Solar Eclipse               08:00      
      27  Tenerfuse & Froemme - Feel                        08:20      
      28  Murat Ustun - Recall                              07:17      
      29  Daraspa - Patterns                                07:25      
      30  K Nass - Paradigm                                 08:19      
      31  Ricardo Piedra - Perdide (Christopher Fafa Remix) 08:30      
      32  Seven Wells - Somewhere In The East (Luman Remix) 09:00      
      33  VA O.N.E. - Fog (Montw Remix)                     09:01      
      34  Denny Loco & Tues (It) - Ibla                     06:25      
      35  Alberto Sainz & Idan Gerber - Yalla Balagan       08:31      
          (Stan Seba Remix)                                            
      36  Clark Wohlert - Mondfeuchte                       07:32      
      37  Janik Kamerling - Lost                            08:02      
      38  Paul (Ar) - Sadly                                 10:08      
      39  Tenerfuse - Irradiance                            07:54      
      40  Matias Carafa - Malimba                           08:36      
      41  Belms - Stay (Echo Babylon Remix)                 08:12      
      42  Stan Seba - Incredible Times                      08:50      
      43  Alpha21 - Pasikudah (Ramin Helvet Remix)          09:05      
      44  Nico Beren - Sagarmatha (Jadeck Remix)            07:28      
      45  Tommy Orellano - Blossom                          08:35      
          (Agustin Pietrocola Remix)                                   
      46  Kenshi Kamaro - Gjallarhorn                       08:52      
      47  Salazar (Col) - Karma (Pad One Remix)             08:31      
      48  Sapienta - Unlock (Blue Cell Remix)               08:48      
      49  Nico Bruno - Prisma (Christian Monique Remix)     07:52      
      50  Agustin Basulto & Eli Luv - Lapiz                 06:37      

                                                    TOTAL: 401:15      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
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                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
VA-Progressive_Soundscapes_002-(TAALP002)-WEB-2023-OMA // filesize: 959102382 // files:


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