part of the remix.network

Janax Pacha – Flor de la Vida / Resueo

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Janax Pacha Mariposa Azul 04:56 12
2 Janax Pacha Del Rio al Mar 05:55 14
3 Janax Pacha feat Tara Jaguar Selva 04:47 11
4 Janax Pacha Flor de la Vida 06:54 16
5 Janax Pacha x Cyma x Mose Templo Dorado 11:11 26
6 Janax Pacha Del Mar al Rio (Instrumental Mix) 05:21 12
7 Janax Pacha x Cyma Templo Dorado (Deep Meditation Mix) 09:20 22

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                        < episode#83276 | steel bunch >                        


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Janax Pacha
          title > Flor de la Vida
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronica           

          label > Resueo
          catno > 

        predate > 2023-09-21
         tracks > 7           
           size > 112.36 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/486821985
           info > https://resueno.bandcamp.com/album/janax-pacha-flor-de-la-vida

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
         source > WEB

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  01. Janax Pacha - Mariposa Azul                                     4:56
  02. Janax Pacha - Del Rio al Mar                                    5:55
  03. Janax Pacha feat Tara Jaguar - Selva                            4:47
  04. Janax Pacha - Flor de la Vida                                   6:54
  05. Janax Pacha x Cyma x Mose - Templo Dorado                       11:11
  06. Janax Pacha - Del Mar al Rio (Instrumental Mix)                 5:21
  07. Janax Pacha x Cyma - Templo Dorado (Deep Meditation Mix)        9:19

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              Immerse Yourself in Janax Pacha 's "Flor de la Vida"             

            Embark on a musical odyssey with Janax Pacha, the multi-           
      instrumentalist musician, live looping artist, DJ, and producer from     
       Argentina. Dive deep with us as he unveils his latest masterpiece,      
       "Flor de la Vida," on the renowned label Resueo. This album is a       
             breathtaking exploration of the soul's journey and our            
                     interconnectedness with the universe.                     

     Janax Pacha has channeled a gift for the listeners with each track as     
      a portal to self-discovery and creativity. Mariposa Azul opens the     
      album to remind us of our highest beauty. Rio al Mar is a reminder     
      that each one of us is a powerful creator, all pulling our creative      
       force from the unifying oneness underneath it all. "Selva reminds      
       that we ARE nature, while Flor de la Vida represents the eternal      
        expansion of art, life, and spirit. Templo Dorado comes in two       
      forms: one with the touch of Mose bringing a deep hypnotic downtempo     
       journey and one just with Cyma which offers the listener a sacred       
                 space of silence within our own golden temple.                

        Within this album lies the power to transport you to a realm of        
     boundless creativity and profound self connection. Janax Pacha's music    
          is a bridge between humanity and nature, reminding us of our         
      responsibility to protect and cherish our earthly home. "Flor de la      
       Vida" is not just an album; it's a transformative experience that       
          invites you to embrace the interconnectedness of all things.         

                  Let the music of "Flor de la Vida" wash over                 

                            ... read more at shopurl                           

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Janax_Pacha-Flor_De_La_Vida-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 115850204 // files: 10


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