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Dj Rouge – New Lost Glory / 5063483044270 / Independent

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 DJ Rouge The Lost Paper 02:13 5
2 DJ Rouge Led records 02:10 5
3 DJ Rouge Start again 02:26 6
4 DJ Rouge Without giving up 02:17 5
5 DJ Rouge This dream of hers 02:11 5
6 DJ Rouge Don't have nightmares 02:20 5
7 DJ Rouge Green submarine 02:23 5
8 DJ Rouge High speed torpedo 02:25 6
9 DJ Rouge Futuristic folklore 02:28 6
10 DJ Rouge Pick it up from the ground 02:24 5
11 DJ Rouge Blue different world 02:21 5
12 DJ Rouge Greatest of all time 02:24 6
13 DJ Rouge _New lost glory 02:17 5
14 DJ Rouge Best brain ever 01:43 4
15 DJ Rouge Analog thinking heads 01:53 4
16 DJ Rouge Showman of joy 01:47 4
17 DJ Rouge Behind the scenes 01:40 4
18 DJ Rouge Like you were 01:35 4
19 DJ Rouge Midnight talk 01:43 4
20 DJ Rouge Lonely universe 02:01 5
21 DJ Rouge Stereotype club 01:54 4
22 DJ Rouge I couldn't be happier 01:44 4
23 DJ Rouge Keep misfortune away 01:53 4
24 DJ Rouge Third project 01:46 4
25 DJ Rouge Just right 01:58 5
26 DJ Rouge The liar before dawn 01:47 4
27 DJ Rouge From that place 01:56 4
28 DJ Rouge Come to this town 01:40 4
29 DJ Rouge Baby players 01:48 4
30 DJ Rouge Fierce driver 01:59 5
31 DJ Rouge Long tapestry 01:59 5
32 DJ Rouge Meaning of lie 01:57 4
33 DJ Rouge True words 02:15 5

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R E L E A S E            
                       I N F O

                Artist: DJ Rouge
              Title: New Lost Glory
              Label: Independent
              Catnr: 5063483044270
             Genre: House
            Str.date: 2024-03-10
              Rip.date: 2024-03-10
             Source: WEB
             Encoder: LAME3.100
              Quality: 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo
               Tracks: 33
             Size: 154.6MB
         Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/556907682

        T R A C K                          

        L I S T I N G                                           

    Track  Title                                              Time

    01.    The Lost Paper                                     02:13
    02.    Led records                                        02:10
    03.    Start again                                        02:26
    04.    Without giving up                                  02:17
    05.    This dream of hers                                 02:11
    06.    Don't have nightmares                              02:20
    07.    Green submarine                                    02:23
    08.    High speed torpedo                                 02:25
    09.    Futuristic folklore                                02:28
    10.    Pick it up from the ground                         02:23
    11.    Blue different world                               02:21
    12.    Greatest of all time                               02:24
    13.    _New lost glory                                    02:16
    14.    Best brain ever                                    01:43
    15.    Analog thinking heads                              01:53
    16.    Showman of joy                                     01:47
    17.    Behind the scenes                                  01:40
    18.    Like you were                                      01:35
    19.    Midnight talk                                      01:43
    20.    Lonely universe                                    02:01
    21.    Stereotype club                                    01:54
    22.    I couldn't be happier                              01:44
    23.    Keep misfortune away                               01:53
    24.    Third project                                      01:46
    25.    Just right                                         01:58
    26.    The liar before dawn                               01:47
    27.    From that place                                    01:56
    28.    Come to this town                                  01:40
    29.    Baby players                                       01:48
    30.    Fierce driver                                      01:59
    31.    Long tapestry                                      01:59
    32.    Meaning of lie                                     01:57
    33.    True words                                         02:15

        ASCii by                               

                  .R I P P E R S.   

                .C O M M E N T.        

          TEAM ZzZz                     
         salutes all partners     
        in this educational crime!                       
       we thank all the fans, we will
          keep rocking...

                     Greetingz Team ZzZz
DJ_Rouge_-_New_Lost_Glory-(5063483044270)-WEB-2024-ZzZz // filesize: 160628136 // files:


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