part of the remix.network

VA – Tracks For The Terrace (Vol. 1) / NEM09001Z / Nothing Else Matters

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Danny Howard Keep On 03:17 8
2 Maxinne x Ammo Avenue The Come Up 03:50 9
3 Simon Kidzoo High On K 02:47 6
4 Tony Hughes Diggy Diggy 02:59 7
5 Danny Howard Keep On (Extended Mix) 06:08 14
6 Maxinne x Ammo Avenue The Come Up (Extended Mix) 06:33 15
7 Simon Kidzoo High On K (Extended Mix) 05:45 13
8 Tony Hughes Diggy Diggy (Extended Mix) 05:33 13

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Various Artists
          title > Tracks For The Terrace (Vol. 1)
           year > 2024
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > Nothing Else Matters
          catno > NEM09001Z

        predate > 2024-07-17
         tracks > 8           
           size > 84.53 mb

            url > https://tidal.com/browse/album/369399242
           info > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4615177

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB FLAC

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  01. Danny Howard - Keep On                                          3:16
  02. Maxinne x Ammo Avenue - The Come Up                             3:49
  03. Simon Kidzoo - High On K                                        2:47
  04. Tony Hughes - Diggy Diggy                                       2:59
  05. Danny Howard - Keep On (Extended Mix)                           6:08
  06. Maxinne x Ammo Avenue - The Come Up (Extended Mix)              6:32
  07. Simon Kidzoo - High On K (Extended Mix)                         5:45
  08. Tony Hughes - Diggy Diggy (Extended Mix)                        5:33

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     We've got a special release this July from four of the biggest artists    
       to soundtrack your summer! Head honcho Danny Howard makes his long      
      overdue return to Nothing Else Matters with his eagerly awaited new      
      single, 'Keep On' kicking things off on the 'Tracks For The Terrace'     
      EP. Next up UK DJ and producer Maxinne joins the NEM family with her     
          brand new collab with Peruvian Ammo Avenue in 'The Come Up'.         

     House aficionado Simon Kidzoo follows up his 2022 debut with new fire,    
     'High On K' and newcomer Tony Hughes lands last but not least with his    
       track 'Diggy Diggy'. Coinciding with Danny's Nothing Else Matters       
      Amnesia residency this summer, the label boss has spearheaded a new      
      concept bringing together his favourite new club rollers that he can     
       play every week on the Amnesia Terrace. With the second EP set to       
      follow at the end of the summer, expect to hear these across Danny's     
                             sets all summer long!                             

      :     x                                                           .:
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    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-Tracks_For_The_Terrace_(Vol_1)-(NEM09001Z)-WEB-2024-BABAS // filesize: 88464549 // files:


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