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Philippa, Jimpster – All I Wanted EP / Freerange Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Philippa & Jimpster All I Wanted (Feat. Mon) 06:31 16
2 Philippa & Jimpster Dreaming (Feat. Care) 05:42 14
3 Philippa & Jimpster Say What 05:53 14

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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

               Philippa & Jimpster - All I Wanted EP               

     ARTiST..[ Philippa & Jimpster                                   
     TiTLE...[ All I Wanted EP                                       
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT#....[ FRD300               
      LABEL...[ Freerange Records       ENCODER.[ Lame 3.100           
      YEAR....[ 2024                    QUALiTY.[ 320kbps              
      SOURCE..[ WEB (FLAC)              MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 18:24                   REL.DATE[ 10.13.2024           
      TRACKS..[ 03                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 42,19 MB                SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  All I Wanted (Feat. Mon)                          06:37      
      02  Dreaming (Feat. Care)                             05:48      
      03  Say What                                          05:59      

                                                     TOTAL: 18:24      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


             Freerange has always been synonymous with a               
             certain brand of deep house, and their 300th              
             EP, All I Wanted, is no exception. This                   
             collaborative effort between label head                   
             Jimpster and rising star Philippa is a                    
             testament to the label's enduring legacy and              
             their ability to consistently deliver quality             
             music. The EP kicks off with the title track,             
             "All I Wanted". This track is a perfect                   
             representation of the label's sound, with its             
             driving bassline, infectious rhythm, and                  
             hypnotic vocals. Jimpster and Philippa's                  
             production skills are on full display here,               
             creating a track that is both groovy and                  
             atmospheric. "Dreaming", featuring the vocals             
             of Care, is a more ethereal affair. The track's           
             dreamy synths and Rhodes keys create a                    
             captivating atmosphere that is both relaxing              
             and uplifting. Care's vocals add a touch of               
             emotion to the track, making it a standout                
             moment on the EP. The EP concludes with "Say              
             What", a UKG-inspired track that is both retro            
             and contemporary. The track's shuffling beats             
             and bold synth chords create a fun and                    
             energetic vibe that is sure to get you moving.            
             A must!                                                   

                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
Philippa_and_Jimpster--All_I_Wanted_EP-(FRD300)-WEB-2024-OMA // filesize: 43919682 // files:


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