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Chad Kay – Dream In RGB EP / PR2021608 / Piston Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Chad Kay Dream In RGB 04:50 11
2 Chad Kay Prevoked 05:00 11
3 Chad Kay Stilted Gait 05:35 13
4 Chad Kay As It Stands 05:37 13

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artist > Chad Kay
title > Dream In RGB EP
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Deep House 

label > Piston Recordings 
catno > PR2021608

predate > 2021-11-05
tracks > 4 
size > 48.36 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/265193172
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3541613

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Chad Kay - Dream In RGB 4:50
02. Chad Kay - Prevoked 5:00
03. Chad Kay - Stilted Gait 5:35
04. Chad Kay - As It Stands 5:37


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Canadian electronic music producer Chad Kay debuts on Piston 
Recordings with the sublime, Dream In RGB EP. Chad's career in music 
began when he was playing keys for the indie band Porcelain. 
Synthesizers, samplers, drum machines and house music were always at 
the root of his love for music, so it was natural that he began 
producing on his own and embark on a new journey as a solo artist. 
Great to have him on board. 

Dream In RGB opens the release, luring us straight onto the dance 
floor with an upfront, groovy slice. Chunky beats are joined by 
flurries of rhythmic percussions as a thick, plucky basslines dominate 
the sound alongside cool stabs. Prevoked is up next, opening with a 
pulsing synth pad which is joined by nice, punchy kicks and slicing 
hats. A deep, undulating bassline rolls in alongside layers of 
percussions before filtered synth chords work the groove. Stilted Gait 
offers up a funky vibe thanks to some ultra-cool, effected pianos and 
a well-rounded, warm bassline. Contrast ... visit URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211027
Chad_Kay--Dream_In_RGB_EP-(PR2021608)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: // files: 4


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