part of the remix.network

Chronical Deep – Light / KMX001 / Komplex Ke

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Chronical Deep Light (Intro) 04:38 11
2 Chronical Deep Baba Vuka (Original Mix) 07:28 17
3 Chronical Deep x don scott Africana (Original Mix) 07:19 17
4 Chronical Deep First Love (Original Mix) 07:21 17
5 Chronical Deep Take Over (Original Mix) 06:49 16
6 Chronical Deep Wake Them Up (Siyo'bavusa) 07:28 17
7 Chronical Deep x Kali Mija Strings Of My Guitar (Original Mix) 06:09 14
8 Chronical Deep x Kali Mija Strings Of My Guitar (Radio Edit) 04:43 11
9 Chronical Deep Let's Go Deep (Original Mix) 07:14 17
10 Chronical Deep Tambootie (Original Mix) 05:46 13
11 Chronical Deep Children of Israel (Original Mix) 07:49 18

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                        < episode#66597 | secret keta >                        


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Chronical Deep
          title > Light
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > Komplex Ke
          catno > KMX001

        predate > 2023-05-12
         tracks > 11           
           size > 167.93 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/424125317
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4078223

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Chronical Deep - Light (Intro)                                  4:38
  02. Chronical Deep - Baba Vuka (Original Mix)                       7:27
  03. Chronical Deep x don scott - Africana (Original Mix)            7:18
  04. Chronical Deep - First Love (Original Mix)                      7:21
  05. Chronical Deep - Take Over (Original Mix)                       6:49
  06. Chronical Deep - Wake Them Up (Siyo'bavusa)                     7:28
  07. Chronical Deep x Kali Mija - Strings Of My Guitar (Original Mix 6:09
  08. Chronical Deep x Kali Mija - Strings Of My Guitar (Radio Edit)  4:43
  09. Chronical Deep - Let's Go Deep (Original Mix)                   7:13
  10. Chronical Deep - Tambootie (Original Mix)                       5:46
  11. Chronical Deep - Children of Israel (Original Mix)              7:48

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      Chronical Deep's debut, LIGHT, is a culmination of a musical career      
      that has been brewing in the S.A. and global dance scene for years.      
        From his 'Deserted Land' record release to writing music for The       
       Godfather's of Deep House, creating remixes, clap backs and rework      
      edits of his own releases on the majestic Stay True Sounds and many      
         more, Samuel Matloang AKA Chronical Deep has made his sound a         
      signature & kept raising the ranks, with each record bigger than the     

     His versatility and rhythmic composition is written and felt all over     
        his ten-track album, which includes features from Don Scott with       
     Africana & Strings Of My Guitar alongside Botswana's singer/songwriter    
                                   Kali Mija.                                  

     "This piece of art is highly inspired by my childhood memories in Free    
       State. The pains and happiness of my past, put me in the space to       
     create lightlight for my music to the world, light for my daughter &     
                      my entire family. " - Chronical Deep                     

                            Mixing - Chronical Deep                            

                          Mastering - Kelsey Mastering                         


                            ... read more at shopurl                           

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Chronical_Deep--Light-(KMX001)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 173987982 // files: 14


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