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Daniel Portman – Feel It / ENV188 / Enormous Vision

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Daniel Portman Feel It 03:54 9
2 Daniel Portman Feel It (Extended Mix) 06:39 15

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A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] Daniel Portman
                 [: TITLE...... :] Feel It
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2023-08-31
                 [: LABEL...... :] Enormous Vision
                 [: CAT NR..... :] ENV188
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 2
                 [: SIZE....... :] 25m
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME 3.100 -b 320
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: SOURCE..... :] WEB (FLAC)
                 [: URL........ :] https://listen.tidal.com/album/309426443

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Feel It ...................................... 03:55      
             02. Feel It (Extended Mix) ....................... 06:39      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

             DANIEL PORTMAN returns to Enormous Vision. The Swiss born DJ and 
             producer is a legend among the extended progressive house 
             community. His first club hits, such as Cerberus or Hells 
             Kitchen were released and played in all clubs around the world 
             in the mid 2000s.
             Daniel Portman brought his craft to perfection over the past 20 
             years and therefor it comes as no surprise that in 2023 alone he 
             already amassed 4 Top20 singles on Beatports Progressive House 
             Charts and we are only in August now. That definitely proofs the 
             quality of his music and how in demand he still is.
             His latest track FEEL IT is a powerful progressive house anthem 
             that convinces with hard-hitting drops and dreamy breakdowns; a 
             combination Daniel incorporates successfully into his music 
             since many years.

               [ ::..  GROUP   NEWS ..:: ]           

              We are currently looking for:             

                  *   100+ Mbit EU PREsites                     

                    [ ::.. C O N T A C T ..:: ]                  

                [ ::.. GROUP  GREETS ..::]              

Daniel_Portman-Feel_It-(ENV188)-WEB-2023-AFO // filesize: 25225655 // files: 4


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