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Daniel Portman – Pheromone / ETR680 / Enormous Tunes

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Daniel Portman Pheromone 03:57 9
2 Daniel Portman Pheromone (Extended Mix) 07:23 17

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A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] Daniel Portman
                 [: TITLE...... :] Pheromone
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2023-04-27
                 [: LABEL...... :] Enormous Tunes
                 [: CAT NR..... :] ETR680
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 2
                 [: SIZE....... :] 27m
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME 3.100 -b 320
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: SOURCE..... :] WEB (FLAC)
                 [: URL........ :] https://listen.tidal.com/album/282140182

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Pheromone .................................... 03:57      
             02. Pheromone (Extended Mix) ..................... 07:23      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

             Multi-talent DANIEL PORTMAN is one of those rare producers who 
             know how to create raw power in a track but still is able to 
             incorporate gorgeous and emotional melodies that carry a message 
             and transport emotions on a very deep and honest level.
             His latest track is a perfect example of blending the above 
             mentioned elements smoothly and professionally and have a pure 
             and unique result.
             Check out PHEROMONES and get an idea yourself of what we're 
             talking about. Enjoy PHEROMONES under the sun of the summer or 
             under the stroboscopic lights of a pulsing club, we are quite 
             sure you'll be pleased either way.


               [ ::..  GROUP   NEWS ..:: ]           

              We are currently looking for:             

                  *   100+ Mbit EU PREsites                     

                    [ ::.. C O N T A C T ..:: ]                  

                [ ::.. GROUP  GREETS ..::]              

Daniel_Portman-Pheromone-(ETR680)-WEB-2023-AFO // filesize: 35870582 // files:


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