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Deep Zone, Ceybil Jefferies – Its Gonna Be Alright (Help Is On The Way) (Crackazat Remix) / SU77D / Sub-Urban Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies It's Gonna Be Alright (Help Is On The Way) (Crackazat Remix) 03:37 8
2 Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies It's Gonna Be Alright (Help Is On The Way) (Crackazat Extended Remix) 06:23 15
3 Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies It's Gonna Be Alright (Help Is On The Way) (Crackazat Mana's Dub) 05:38 13

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies
          title > Its Gonna Be Alright (Help Is On The Way) (Crackazat Remix)
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > deephouse           

          label > Sub-Urban Records
          catno > SU77D

        predate > 2023-11-12
         tracks > 3           
           size > 36.01 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/502858291
           info > https://www.junodownload.com/products/deep-zone-ceybil-its-gonna-be-alright-help/6380857-02/

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
         source > WEB

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    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...

  01. Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies - It's Gonna Be Alright (Help I 3:37
  02. Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies - It's Gonna Be Alright (Help I 6:22
  03. Deep Zone feat Ceybil Jefferies - It's Gonna Be Alright (Help I 5:37

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 :....::. .                                                               ..: 

       Picture this: Deep Zone's timeless classic, "It's Gonna Be Alright      
      (Help Is On The Way)," gets a modern-day makeover by mastermind from     
     Bristol Crackazat on the esteemed New York-based label Sub-Urban! It's    
      a heady cocktail of soul, funk, and electronic wizardry, cranking up     
      the excitement with stacked chords and intricate electronic timbres,     
     transporting us straight to the golden era of house. It's like riding     
       a musical time machine to a place where the party never stops! The      
       package doesn't stop there, folks! Crackazat unleashes "Crackazat       
     Mana's Dub," with a thumping four-on-the-floor feel, this dub version     
     is a hypnotic journey into the heart of the night, where the beats are    
                          king, and the groove is law.                         

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    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Deep_Zone_feat_Ceybil_Jefferies-Its_Gonna_Be_Alright_(Help_Is_On_The_Way)_(Crackazat_Remix)-(SU77D)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 37362029 // files:


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