part of the remix.network

Dj Poolboi – Stay Just A Little While Longer (Deluxe Version) / Unbelievably Spectacular

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry motions 03:24 8
2 DJ Poolboi i don't really mind 03:33 8
3 DJ Poolboi feat Phoac if now you feel loved 03:41 9
4 DJ Poolboi la nuit n'en finit plus 03:24 8
5 DJ Poolboi easy 03:16 8
6 DJ Poolboi take me far away 05:10 12
7 DJ Poolboi i don't want to live with it 04:31 10
8 DJ Poolboi be somebody 03:21 8
9 DJ Poolboi malo okoma 05:57 14
10 DJ Poolboi where are you now 03:13 8
11 DJ Poolboi felt like we were in heaven 04:58 12
12 DJ Poolboi stay just a little while longer 03:35 8
13 DJ Poolboi motions (Instrumental) 03:24 8
14 DJ Poolboi I don't really mind (Instrumental) 03:33 8
15 DJ Poolboi la nuit n'en finit plus (Instrumental) 03:24 8
16 DJ Poolboi easy (Instrumental) 03:16 8
17 DJ Poolboi if now you feel loved (Instrumental) 03:41 9
18 DJ Poolboi take me far away (Radio Edit) 03:39 8
19 DJ Poolboi i don't want to live with it (Instrumental) 04:31 10
20 DJ Poolboi be somebody (Instrumental) 03:21 8
21 DJ Poolboi malo okoma (Instrumental) 05:36 13
22 DJ Poolboi where are you now (Instrumental) 03:09 7
23 DJ Poolboi felt like we were in heaven (Radio Edit) 03:40 9
24 DJ Poolboi malo okoma (Sebastien Dutch Spirit Remix) 06:31 15
25 DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry motions (Laguna Remix) 04:21 10
26 DJ Poolboi where are you now (DJ Planet Express Remix) 04:27 10
27 DJ Poolboi be somebody (Radio Edit) 03:08 7
28 DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry motions (Shaolin Cowboy's 4am Remix) 04:26 10
29 DJ Poolboi malo okoma (Jadu Jadu & Tambala Remix) 02:29 6
30 DJ Poolboi take me far away (DJ AEDIDIAS Remix) 04:07 10
31 DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry motions (Baltra Remix) 04:22 10
32 DJ Poolboi malo okoma (Radio Edit) 04:05 9
33 DJ Poolboi feat Phoac if now you feel loved (3STRANGE Remix) 03:39 9
34 DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry motions (Ambient Mix) 03:34 8
35 DJ Poolboi feat Phoac if now you feel loved (Miqui Brightside Remix) 03:56 9
36 DJ Poolboi malo okoma (Sebastien Dutch Remix) 06:27 15

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                       < episode#44963 | sweet sorbet >                        


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > DJ Poolboi
          title > Stay Just A Little While Longer (Deluxe Version)
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > deephouse           

          label > Unbelievably Spectacular
          catno > 

        predate > 2022-09-06
         tracks > 36           
           size > 336.63 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/351705937
            buy > https://djpoolboi.bandcamp.com/album/stay-just-a-little-while-longer-deluxe-version-2

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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. DJ Poolboi - motions (Instrumental)                             3:24
  01. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma (Sebastien Dutch Spirit Remix)          6:31
  01. DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry - motions                             3:24
  02. DJ Poolboi - I don't really mind (Instrumental)                 3:33
  02. DJ Poolboi - i don't really mind                                3:33
  02. DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry - motions (Laguna Remix)              4:20
  03. DJ Poolboi - where are you now (DJ Planet Express Remix)        4:27
  03. DJ Poolboi feat Phoac - if now you feel loved                   3:41
  03. DJ Poolboi - la nuit n'en finit plus (Instrumental)             3:24
  04. DJ Poolboi - be somebody (Radio Edit)                           3:08
  04. DJ Poolboi - la nuit n'en finit plus                            3:24
  04. DJ Poolboi - easy (Instrumental)                                3:16
  05. DJ Poolboi - if now you feel loved (Instrumental)               3:41
  05. DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry - motions (Shaolin Cowboy's 4am Remix 4:25
  05. DJ Poolboi - easy                                               3:16
  06. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma (Jadu Jadu & Tambala Remix)             2:29
  06. DJ Poolboi - take me far away (Radio Edit)                      3:39
  06. DJ Poolboi - take me far away                                   5:09
  07. DJ Poolboi - take me far away (DJ AEDIDIAS Remix)               4:07
  07. DJ Poolboi - i don't want to live with it                       4:31
  07. DJ Poolboi - i don't want to live with it (Instrumental)        4:31
  08. DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry - motions (Baltra Remix)              4:22
  08. DJ Poolboi - be somebody                                        3:21
  08. DJ Poolboi - be somebody (Instrumental)                         3:21
  09. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma (Instrumental)                          5:36
  09. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma (Radio Edit)                            4:05
  09. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma                                         5:57
  10. DJ Poolboi feat Phoac - if now you feel loved (3STRANGE Remix)  3:39
  10. DJ Poolboi - where are you now                                  3:13
  10. DJ Poolboi - where are you now (Instrumental)                   3:09
  11. DJ Poolboi feat Floor Cry - motions (Ambient Mix)               3:34
  11. DJ Poolboi - felt like we were in heaven (Radio Edit)           3:40
  11. DJ Poolboi - felt like we were in heaven                        4:58
  12. DJ Poolboi - stay just a little while longer                    3:35
  12. DJ Poolboi feat Phoac - if now you feel loved (Miqui Brightside 3:56
  13. DJ Poolboi - malo okoma (Sebastien Dutch Remix)                 6:26

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     Im proud to release the deluxe version of my sophomore album  stay     
      just a little while longer as the definitive edition of the record.     
      It combines years of hard work, an amalgamation of all the emotions      
      felt over this period, and many collaborations with talented artists     
       across the globe. Its been an honor to work with these wonderful       
     people, and its been an honor to have this definitive edition of the     
           record be released and share this journey with everyone            

      stay just a little while longer (Deluxe Version)  Includes all the     
        original, instrumental, radio edits and remixed tracks from dj       
     poolboi latest album stay just a little while longer came out March     
      18th. The album has had over 4 million streams to date and features      
      collaborations from artists from all over the globe in the UK, South     
      Korea, Zambia, Spain, Canada and more and has now been supported by      
      tasters such as Complex, KCRW, BBC Radio1 and Xtra and lots more. dj     
        poolboi has had over 70 million streams to date with 36k Spotify       
                      Followers, 96k Youtube subscribers.                      

      :     x                                                           .:
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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
DJ_Poolboi--Stay_Just_A_Little_While_Longer_(Deluxe_Version)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 3358299 // files:


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