Don Chirashi – Raphine EP / AR005 / Anomalis Radio
# | artist | track title | duration | size, mb |
1 | Don Chirashi | Mapping Motions | 03:03 | 7 |
2 | Don Chirashi | The Warmth of the Past on Your Back | 04:22 | 10 |
3 | Don Chirashi | Solarii | 05:36 | 13 |
4 | Don Chirashi | Horizon Generator | 04:56 | 11 |
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O . . O o o + FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC + ! ! | | | | | | /\ /\ _ | . ____!__ /. \ _______ / \\ _|___/ _____\_ )___// _\____\_ )___/ \ ./ /_____ _ ___ _ \ /. / \ \ /. / _\__|____ \ _ ____ _ /// /_____\| __// /______\| __/ \ \ _/ ___//// /_____________/ . \ ______/:/ /_ \________/ |:/_____________\\.:::::/____________\::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| x |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| : _ ___|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ _ x . . . . 34345 => C13H16ClNO + 34345 + C13H16ClNO <= 34345 . . . . _ ___._______________________________________.___ _ . . : : . _|_ _| ! : : !. |/ \| .| : : |: _ __./ \ __ _ :! : : |: // //. .\\ \\ :| : : |: : x x : :x : : !: ::. .:: :! : :..:. ..... . ........................................... ... ....: Don_Chirashi-Raphine_EP-(AR005)-WEB-2023-BABAS . : x :: ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ________. ____:: : ::/ /__\ /____/ \\ \_/ \\ \___\ \____\ \ |/ /: __:|__ / /| / _ \_ \ _ \_ \ _ / / / | _//: x _\ / _\________\__/____/ /__/____/ \__ \ \__\ \____ /:::: . //_______/ |\____\::::::\____\ \____/::\____/(___\:::: . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :... |___________________|\ . ....: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ artist > Don Chirashi title > Raphine EP year > 2023 genre > House mood > deephouse label > Anomalis Radio catno > AR005 predate > 2023-12-16 tracks > 4 size > 41.19 mb url > info > _________________ | |\ ________ _____| QUALITY CONTROL |\ / _ \/ /.______ __________|\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / / _ /_ \| \\\\\\\\\\\\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . \______\ \_ __________/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::\____/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . ..: codec > MPEG 1 layer 3 encoder > LAME 3.100 -b 320 quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel source > WEB FLAC _____________ _____. /| | ._ _______ ____ ______ ___ \_ |______ . ____/__: /| T R A C K S |:|// /_\_ \_/ /_/ /.___/ / _// ./ /_\:: /|_____________|::/ _/. / / _ / \| \_ \ \___|_. \| : ///////////////::/_____/ /___\ \_ \___\\________/__|\___ /| __/: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::\_____\:::::::::::::::::::::/__________\::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ...:.. . ...:... time 01. Don Chirashi - Mapping Motions 3:03 02. Don Chirashi - The Warmth of the Past on Your Back 4:22 03. Don Chirashi - Solarii 5:36 04. Don Chirashi - Horizon Generator 4:56 00:17:57 : : .....: x _ . . ..:> .::. ______/_______ _____/ ____ ___________. :: :___/\\. // ._ \_/______( / _____ ./ /___ ..| |\:: ..:._/ _ \| /. l/ // /. _// /__|___ \::| N O T E S |\:: :.: \____/ '\ \________\ _//___\______\ // _//:|___________|\:: :.. .::: \_______/::::::/______/:::::::\::/____________/:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\::.. : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: :....::. . ..: The 2nd EP by Don Chirashi Download includes bonus track by Steve From Corporate liner notes from the artist: It seems everyones got a pandemic project, this ones mine. December 2020 - we were 8 months deep into lockdown here in the states, and cabin fever was at an all-time high as you probably remember. With 2 young kids (then 4 & 6) we had to get out of the house, but most busy vacation spots were off the list- so we went the opposite direction and got a farmhouse in the Blue Ridge mountains. Being secluded in nature, away from the rest of the human world, in a creaky old cabin (with no wifi and bad cell service) was exactly the reset we needed. During the day we would take hikes and feed the farm animals, with calm evenings watching movies and doing not much of anything really. After the fam went to bed each night, I had the place to myself where I could be quietly alone with my thoughts in a fresh & peaceful setting. A welcome change after being stuck in the same house, in the same patterns for almost an entire year. I brought with me a laptop, Roland SP-555 sampler, and Zoom H4N field recorder- which I had gradually been stocking with vinyl samples as I worked from home throughout the pandemic. For most of the year, my daily routine would be listening to records casually in between calls and occasionally when I caught a moment of inspiration, Id record it to the Zoom. After 8 or 9 months I had probably compiled 75 clips of all sorts: drumbreaks, synths, pianos, v ... read more at shopurl . : x .: ::.... \ :: ____________\__ . . . ..:::: ( (.. _ ) \ \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +) \__\________/::.... ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ............... last nfo update: 20220405
Don_Chirashi-Raphine_EP-(AR005)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 43430411 // files:
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