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Glenn Echo, Daniel Meinecke – Partly Cloudy / MCWR011 / MotorCity Wine Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Do Not Feed The Alligators (They Will Bite) 04:46 11
2 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Trouble In The White House 05:47 13
3 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Fluff It Up 02:32 6
4 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Don't Play With Me 05:42 13
5 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Sunday Dub 05:26 12
6 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke What Is The Difference? 01:42 4
7 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Fancy Operation 05:44 13
8 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Keep Looking 04:33 10
9 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke My Style Is A Very Unique One 01:30 3
10 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Scream Contest 05:44 13
11 Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke Good Vibes 04:14 10

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke
title > Partly Cloudy
year > 2022
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > Motorcity Wine Recordings.
catno > MCWR011

predate > 2022-01-13
tracks > 11 
size > 109.63 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/279895092
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3594271

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Do Not Feed The Alligators (They 4:46
02. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Trouble In The White House 5:47
03. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Fluff It Up 2:32
04. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Don't Play With Me 5:42
05. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Sunday Dub 5:26
06. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - What Is The Difference? 1:42
07. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Fancy Operation 5:44
08. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Keep Looking 4:33
09. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - My Style Is A Very Unique One 1:30
10. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Scream Contest 5:43
11. Glenn Echo & Daniel Meinecke - Good Vibes 4:14


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Step into the hazy musical minds of Glenn Echo and Daniel Meinecke on 
Partly Cloudy, their debut full-length on MotorCity Wine Recordings. 
Mr. Echo, repping the Sol Power family out of Washington, DC, reached 
back to his 90s downtempo, acid jazz, and golden era beat-making roots 
to create 11 psychedelic, breakbeat-and-space-echo-infused tracks that 
serve as the perfect dreamy backdrop for Mr. Meinecke's commanding and 
virtuosic New Orleans gospel funk. 

Mr. Meinecke, an accomplished jazz keyboardist based in New Orleans 
(by way of Detroit), composed a dense, trippy, soundscape using nearly 
all the tools in his arsenal: Hohner D6 Clavinet, Moog Sub 37, Moog 
DFAM, Moog Mother 32, Dave Smith Prophet '08, Nord C1 Combo Organ, and 
Nord Stage 2. 

Woven together with Glenn Echo's production, arranging, and 
engineering, the end result is a rich tapestry of heady sounds with 
one foot firmly planted in the now and the other harkening back to the 
days of early Nightmares on Wax, Thievery Corporat ... visit URL to 
read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
Glenn_Echo_x_Daniel_Meinecke--Partly_Cloudy-(MCWR011)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 115258965 // files: 11


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