part of the remix.network

Grdn – Neuwerk EP / MANDEEP028 / Manual Deep

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 GRDN. Neuwerk 04:12 10
2 GRDN. Straelen 07:22 17
3 GRDN. Straelen (B.A.X. Remix) 07:33 17
4 GRDN. Neuwerk (B.A.X. Reprise) 04:43 11
5 GRDN. Neuwerk (GRIFE Remix) 07:56 18

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artist > GRDN.
title > Neuwerk EP
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > Manual Deep
catno > MANDEEP028

predate > 2022-02-17
tracks > 5 
size > 72.83 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/236612812
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3420546

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. GRDN. - Neuwerk 4:11
02. GRDN. - Straelen 7:21
03. GRDN. - Straelen (B.A.X. Remix) 7:32
04. GRDN. - Neuwerk (B.A.X. Reprise) 4:43
05. GRDN. - Neuwerk (GRIFE Remix) 7:55


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GRDN. makes his return on Manual Deep after last years Bommern EP. His 
productions are always very exciting and free of any genre limitations 
which you'll find out here when listening to his lovely new EP titled 

We kick things off with the title track, a lovely leftfield piece of 
dancefloor electronica. Mysterious and lush, this captivates from 
beginning until the end. 

'Straelen' is a proper continuation of the journey with it's catchy 
vocal hook, techno beats, warm bassline and delicate sounds. Truly a 
unique and stand out track this one. 

Then we welcome Manual Deep resident artist B.A.X. with not one, but 
two remixes! A deep melodic house version of 'Straelen' and a beatless 
reinterpretation of 'Neuwerk'- both in his by now famous trademark 

To finish the release in style we welcome a new name on board the 
label. GRIFE are a duo from Brazil who you might know from their 
releases on TRYBESof and Mango Alley-or of course their song 
'Nighthawks' with Sarah Chilanti- ... visit URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
GRDN--Neuwerk_EP-(MANDEEP028)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 17090 // files: 8


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