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Hardt Antoine – Timespace / fabric Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Hardt Antoine Timespace 06:47 16

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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

                     Hardt Antoine - Timespace                     

     ARTiST..[ Hardt Antoine                                         
     TiTLE...[ Timespace                                             
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT#....[                      
      LABEL...[ fabric Records          ENCODER.[ Lame 3.100           
      YEAR....[ 2023                    QUALiTY.[ 320kbps              
      SOURCE..[ WEB (FLAC)              MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 06:49                   REL.DATE[ 07.20.2023           
      TRACKS..[ 01                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 15,61 MB                SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Timespace                                         06:49      

                                                     TOTAL: 06:49      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


             The futuristic, melody-driven, and wonderfully            
             confounding new single Timespace from                   
             pioneering emerging electronic act Hardt                  
             Antoine is out now via fabric Originals. The              
             track is the second single taken from the                 
             forthcoming compilation fabric SELECTS III                
             presented by Love Hertz.                                 

             Arriving quite aptly during the heat of summer,           
             the deeply euphoric, groovy, melody-driven 15-            
             track compilation fabric SELECTS III presented            
             by Love Hertz is set for full digital release             
             on 4th August 2023, with the compilation's                
             first two singles  ANIIs Just Breathe and             
             todays track from Hardt Antoine  already out            
             to breathe a flavour of the curated project.              

             Hardt Antoines new track takes the listener              
             through a kaleidoscopic sonic journey,                    
             traversing the Reculture label founders                  
             eclectic sonic pallet. Inspired by futuristic             
             and science fiction themes, Antoine transports            
             us through musical dimensions but is never                
             unrelenting in that consistent and overarching            
             dance-floor bliss that seeps between the                  
             track's choral and melodic, trace-inducing                

             Of the process behind the new track, Hardt                
             Antoine explains, I wrote this track a few               
             months ago in the winter, I was watching a lot            
             of science fiction which got me into a                    
             particularly futurist headspace. I wanted to              
             combine these influences with the themes of               
             grandeur, ego, and even religion that often               
             play on my mind when making music. The result             
             was initially a bed of orchestral and choral              
             music, with futurist baselines, melodic arps,             
             and my usual dance floor drum palette on the              

             Hearing [fabric] wanted to sign it made me               
             instantly feel a connection between what I want           
             to portray with Timespace and the epic,                 
             heart-touching feeling from listening to                  
             something special in Room 1, he explains.                

                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
Hardt_Antoine--Timespace-SiNGLE-WEB-2023-OMA // filesize: 17636341 // files:


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