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Harold Matthews Jr – Peripheral Revisions / GVM044 / Good Vibrations Music

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Harold Matthews Jr & Black Sonix Deep Into My Sleep (Sean McCabe Remix) 07:27 17
2 Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe Metronome (Turbojazz Remix) 06:15 15
3 Harold Matthews Jr & Syl Messi Who I Am (Sisters And Brothers Mix) 02:51 7
4 Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe This Place (Glenn Underground Remix) 08:23 19
5 Harold Matthews Jr & DJ Fill Pause feat. Syl Messi (Kaidi Tatham Remix) 05:05 12
6 Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe Into You feat Dawn Williams (Piers Kirwan Remix) 04:36 11
7 Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe Love And Hate (Wipe The Needle Remix) 06:39 15
8 Harold Matthews Jr Disconnected (Sean McCabe Broken Fonk Mix) 05:17 12
9 Harold Matthews Jr & Black Sonix Deep Into My Sleep (Haze City Remix) 04:49 11
10 Harold Matthews Jr Peace (Sean McCabe Vocal Remix) 06:15 15
11 Harold Matthews Jr One Body feat. Symone (Urban Sound Lab Classic Vocal Remix) 07:48 18
12 Harold Matthews Jr & DJ Fill Put Your Hands Together (Sean's Retro Jackin' Mix) 07:12 17

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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

             Harold Matthews Jr  - Peripheral Revisions            

     ARTiST..[ Harold Matthews Jr                                    
     TiTLE...[ Peripheral Revisions                                  
      GENRE...[ House                   GRABBER.[ GVM044               
      LABEL...[ GOOD VIBRATIONS MUSIC   ENCODER.[ Lame 3.100           
      YEAR....[ 2023                    QUALiTY.[ 320kbps              
      SOURCE..[ WEB (FLAC)              MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 72:56                   REL.DATE[ 12.12.2023           
      TRACKS..[ 12                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 167,15 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Harold Matthews Jr & Black Sonix - Deep Into My   07:28      
          Sleep (Sean McCabe Remix)                                    
      02  Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe - Metronome      06:17      
          (Turbojazz Remix)                                            
      03  Harold Matthews Jr & Syl Messi - Who I Am         02:52      
          (Sisters And Brothers Mix)                                   
      04  Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe - This Place     08:25      
          (Glenn Underground Remix)                                    
      05  Harold Matthews Jr & DJ Fill - Pause feat. Syl    05:07      
          Messi (Kaidi Tatham Remix)                                   
      06  Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe - Into You feat  04:38      
          Dawn Williams (Piers Kirwan Remix)                           
      07  Harold Matthews Jr & Sean McCabe - Love And Hate  06:41      
          (Wipe The Needle Remix)                                      
      08  Harold Matthews Jr - Disconnected                 05:19      
          (Sean McCabe Broken Fonk Mix)                                
      09  Harold Matthews Jr & Black Sonix - Deep Into My   04:50      
          Sleep (Haze City Remix)                                      
      10  Harold Matthews Jr - Peace                        06:17      
          (Sean McCabe Vocal Remix)                                    
      11  Harold Matthews Jr - One Body feat. Symone        07:49      
          (Urban Sound Lab Classic Vocal Remix)                        
      12  Harold Matthews Jr & DJ Fill - Put Your Hands     07:13      
          Together (Sean's Retro Jackin' Mix)                          

                                                     TOTAL: 72:56      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


             Harold Matthews Jr is the Chicago house veteran           
             formerly best known as one-half of Blak Beat              
             Niks. Last year he released his debut album               
             under his real name, 'Peripheral Visions' - a             
             lyrically introspective and deeply personal               
             affair that ran the gamut from deep, soulful              
             house to boogie, neo-soul and broken beat. Now            
             tracks from that album get remixed by the                 
             heavy-hitting likes of Glenn Underground, Sean            
             McCabe, Wipe The Needle and Kaidi Tatham. Their           
             reversionings are similarly diverse in musical            
             style, ranging from the laidback, trip-hoppy              
             Sisters & Brothers Mix of 'Who I Am' to the               
             smooth house of Glenn Underground's rub of                
             'This Place', but rest assured: the soul needle           
             stays firmly in the red throughout!                       

                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
Harold_Matthews_Jr--Peripheral_Revisions-(GVM044)-WEB-2023-OMA // filesize: 177093047 // files:


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