part of the remix.network

Holo – Holo LP / HSM013 / Houseum Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Hugo Horwood In Tokyo 05:26 12
2 Holo AEIOU 04:42 11
3 Holo You 06:04 14
4 Holo You (Radio Edit) 03:32 8
5 Holo Super Nice 04:05 9
6 Holo Ode To Else 06:14 14
7 Holo Ode To Else (Radio Edit) 04:09 10
8 Holo Roses 04:36 11
9 Holo Alone 05:51 13
10 Holo Alone (Radio Edit) 04:30 10
11 Holo The Fool 05:26 12
12 Holo The Fool (Radio Edit) 03:35 8
13 Holo The Fool (Dark Mix) 04:57 11

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Holo
          title > Holo LP
           year > 2024
          genre > House  
           mood > deep house           

          label > Houseum Records
          catno > HSM013

        predate > 2024-06-16
         tracks > 13           
           size > 144.70 mb

            url > https://tidal.com/browse/album/366189238
           info > https://houseumrecords.bandcamp.com/album/holo-lp

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB FLAC

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  01. Hugo Horwood - In Tokyo                                         5:25
  02. Holo - AEIOU                                                    4:42
  03. Holo - You                                                      6:04
  04. Holo - You  (Radio Edit)                                        3:32
  05. Holo - Super Nice                                               4:05
  06. Holo - Ode To Else                                              6:14
  07. Holo - Ode To Else  (Radio Edit)                                4:09
  08. Holo - Roses                                                    4:36
  09. Holo - Alone                                                    5:50
  10. Holo - Alone  (Radio Edit)                                      4:30
  11. Holo - The Fool                                                 5:26
  12. Holo - The Fool  (Radio Edit)                                   3:35
  13. Holo - The Fool (Dark Mix)                                      4:56

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      His debut album is a mixture of old and new tracks, so it contains a     
     diverse set of influences, styles and ideas. It's this inconsistency,     
     however, that brings the album together. Whether it's the sudden piano    
     in 'In Tokyo', overdriven guitars on 'Roses' or percussive video game     
        sounds in 'Super Nice', every track has unexpected, contrasting        
       elements that subvert the audience's expectations and force their       
     attention. The album is as much an expression of his love for music in    
     all its forms as it is a rejection of tropes in electronic music, and     
                          it's his best work to date.                          

                          ---   --- --                         

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Holo-Holo_LP-(HSM013)-WEB-2024-BABAS // filesize: 150605657 // files:


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