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Jex Opolis – Apocalypse / BDTIMIN006 / Good Timin

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Jex Opolis Apocalypse (At The Acropolis) 05:10 12
2 Jex Opolis Music (Piano Mix) 06:32 15
3 Jex Opolis Lizard 06:47 16
4 Jex Opolis Just Music 06:07 14
5 Jex Opolis Lizard (Italo Mix) 04:46 11

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Jex Opolis
          title > Apocalypse
           year > 2024
          genre > House  
           mood > deephouse           

          label > Good Timin
          catno > BDTIMIN006

        predate > 2024-07-19
         tracks > 5           
           size > 67.38 mb

            url > https://tidal.com/browse/album/366978047
           info > https://www.junodownload.com/products/6648500-02

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB FLAC

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 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...

  01. Jex Opolis - Apocalypse (At The Acropolis)                      5:10
  02. Jex Opolis - Music (Piano Mix)                                  6:32
  03. Jex Opolis - Lizard                                             6:47
  04. Jex Opolis - Just Music                                         6:07
  05. Jex Opolis - Lizard (Italo Mix)                                 4:46

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 :....::. .                                                               ..: 

     If the end of days is just around the corner, we may as well dance our    
        troubles away. That's the attitude of Jex Opolis, at least, who        
      explains that his latest EP was "delivered in haste ahead of the AI      
      apocalypse". In typical fashion, there's no aural dystopia on show,      
      just good-time grooves and well-crafted nods to dance music's past.      
       Check first the moody 'dark garage' bass, bustling house beats and      
       attractive organ motifs of 'Apocalypse (at the Acropolis)', before      
     admiring the restless sequenced bass, mid-80s sample stabs, bubby acid    
        motifs and rushing riffs of 'Music (Piano Mix)' and the trance-        
     inducing throb of 'Just Music'. We also get two versions of 'Lizard':     
      the jaunty, smile-inducing house retro-futurism of the original mix,     
        and the (sampled) vocal sporting excellence of the 'Italo Mix'.        

                          ---   --- --                         

      :     x                                                           .:
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 (  (..  _  )
  \  \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +)
    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Jex_Opolis-Apocalypse-(BDTIMIN006)-WEB-2024-BABAS // filesize: 70365886 // files:

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