part of the remix.network

K.D.S, Stabfinger – Al Bidaya / CMVR020 / Cosmovision Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Al Bidaya 06:02 14
2 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Zhara 07:47 18
3 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Al Intikal 05:45 13
4 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Al Bidaya (Mula FR Remix) 06:15 14
5 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Zhara (Karmaa Remix) 06:43 15
6 K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi Al Intikal (Max Tenrom Remix) 05:20 12

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artist > K.D.S & Stabfinger
title > Al Bidaya
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood: Organic House x Downtempo Electronica 

label > Cosmovision Records
catno > CMVR020

predate > 2021-11-28
tracks > 6 
size > 87.17 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/273742902
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3577003

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Al Bidaya 6:02
02. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Zhara 7:47
03. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Al Intikal 5:45
04. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Al Bidaya (Mula FR Remi 6:14
05. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Zhara (Karmaa Remix) 6:43
06. K.D.S & Stabfinger feat. Amina Annabi - Al Intikal (Max Tenrom 5:19


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As if it came from another era or maybe another dimension, we are 
proud to welcome the new collaborative EP from producers KDS and 
Stabfinger from France and Italy, this with the awesome talent of the 
singer Amina Annabi from Tunisia. 

Initially conceived as a live show, the sonic collaboration of these 
three artists navigates between the most contemporary and electronic 
sound of downtempo, but with ancestral roots of North African sang 
melodies, orchestrated by the incredibly talented Amina Annabi and 
thought of as a multidisciplinary show that combines aerial circus, 
lights show and live instruments altogether. 

Al Bidaya is an explosion of mystery and colours that starts from a 
very deep atmosphere towards the most progressive sounds, all with a 
particular and mystical groove of what some call: the sounds of the 

Along with them, we also present the remixes of 3 outstanding French 
artists such as Karmaa, Max TenRom and Mula. Each one con ... visit 
URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211027
K.D.S_x_Stabfinger--Al_Bidaya-(CMVR020)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 91794595 // files: 6


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