part of the remix.network

La Fuente – I Want You

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 La Fuente I Want You 03:39 8

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        S o u n d    o f   B a s s   |   S  O  B    p r e s e n t s

  :                                                                     :
     La Fuente - I Want You

     Artist .........................: La Fuente
     Album ..........................: I Want You

     Company ........................: Full Colour Records
     Catalog Number .................: N/A
     Genre ..........................: House
     Store-/Streetdate ..............: Apr-15-2022
     Year ...........................: 2022

     Release Date ...................: Aug-07-2022
     Encoder ........................: Lame 3.100
     Quality.........................: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint Stereo
     Tracks .........................: 01
     Play Time.......................: 03:39
     Size ...........................: 8,37 MB
     Type ...........................: Single
     Source .........................: WEB-WAV
     URL ............................: 
  :                                                                     :
  :                                                                     :
  :                                                                     :
     Tracklist :

     01. I Want You                                    [03:39]


     Total Playtime .............................:      03:39 min

                                                 Like ??? = BuY !!!
   :                                                                    :
   :                                                                    :
   :                                                                    :
     Release Notes :

     Team Note :

     SOB is here to give you a free quality sample of music and
     to let you discover new artists and new style.
     So if you like a release, buy it as we did.
     We support artists, do the same!

     We are always looking for talented rippers and anything
     which can help us.

     Currently we are looking for:

     - Affil sites that are private & secure!!
       (We prefer a big archive)
     - Anything else that could help us.

     If you think you can bring us something interesting, feel
     free to contact us.

                    Sound Of Bass Since September 2009
   :                                                                    :
La_Fuente_-_I_Want_You-SINGLE-WEB-2022-SOB // filesize: 8789234 // files: 1


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