
Name: | Leevi_And_The_Leavings-Kerran_Elamassa-WEB-FI-1998-KALEVALA_INT |
Format: | MPEG-1 LAYER 3 |
Bitrate: | 320 Kbps |
Sample: | 44100 Hz |
Size: | 101524080Mb |
Tracks: | 13 |
Release: | 2020-02-18 |
# | Song Title | Artist | Time |
1 | Leevi And The Leavings | Elisenda | |
2 | Leevi And The Leavings | Soile S?derberg | |
3 | Leevi And The Leavings | Enkelinh?yheni? Ikkunalaudalla | |
4 | Leevi And The Leavings | Sika, Joka Osasi Lent?? Siivil | |
5 | Leevi And The Leavings | Eldorado | |
6 | Leevi And The Leavings | Voit Olla Huoleti, Gloria | |
7 | Leevi And The Leavings | Edes Kerran El?m?ss? | |
8 | Leevi And The Leavings | Sininen Koira | |
9 | Leevi And The Leavings | Rakkauslaulu | |
10 | Leevi And The Leavings | Luokkakokous | |
11 | Leevi And The Leavings | Kaikki Tai Ei Mit??n | |
12 | Leevi And The Leavings | Jollakseen | |
13 | Leevi And The Leavings | Kylm?n? Y?n? Keskikaupungilla |
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