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Liam De Bruin – Lavender / HF023 / Heard And Felt

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Liam de Bruin Lavender 05:43 13
2 Liam de Bruin Friday Evening 04:18 10

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.MUSiCiSLiFE!!! .

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.. P R E S E N T S .. 

Liam de Bruin - Lavender 

ARTiST..[ Liam de Bruin 

TiTLE...[ Lavender 

GENRE...[ House CAT#....[ HF023 

LABEL...[ Heard And Felt ENCODER.[ Lame 3.100 

YEAR....[ 2021 QUALiTY.[ 320kbps 

SOURCE..[ WEB (FLAC) MODE....[ Joint Stereo 

PLAYTIME[ 10:01 REL.DATE[ 12.11.2021 


SiZE....[ 22,94 MB SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA 

.. T R A C K L i S T .. 


01 Lavender 05:43 

02 Friday Evening 04:18 

TOTAL: 10:01 

.. R E L E A S E N O T E S .. 


'Every time I play this, there is a large 

influx of interested emails wanting to know 

more.' - Gilles Peterson, Best of 2021 (So 

Far), BBC 6Music. 

When you hear that an artist is laying down 

live drums, percussion, bass, guitar and keys 

in a home garage studio, deep house is not the 

first genre that comes to mind. But Liam de 

Bruin, with a background playing various 

instruments in soul, funk and punk bands, loves 

house music! 

Working with the Heard and Felt label run by 

Ennio Styles (3RRR FM/Worldwide FM), Liam is 

readying an EP that explores live house music 

from disco, boogie and jazz funk angles. This 

is music that joins the dots between Roy Ayers, 

Brit funk, Metro Area and the contemporary 

Melbourne scene, where Liam was quickly 

embraced by artists that have inspired him like 

Close Counters, Horatio Luna, Teymori and 

Zeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchange. Worldwide 

acclaim followed, with multiple spins from 

Gilles Peterson on BBC (including his Best of 

2021 So Far) and plays from NTS, KCRW, Bandcamp 

Weekly and more. Liam has also held down spots 

in Apple Music's 'New Latitudes' and 'Club 

Jazz' playlists for months, seemingly propelled 

by a flood of Shazams every time he gets played 

on the radio. 

The music here was all played and recorded 

entirely by Liam himself in the Frankston 

beachside studio which has been his treasured 

retreat during Melbourne's extended lockdowns. 

He shows two different but related sides to his 

warm organic house and disco funk sound here. 

'Lavender' embraces more synth tones, with a 

slinky, sexy, late night feel, while 'Friday 

Evening' sees Liam get on the guitar too, 

taking things in more of a jazz funk direction. 

.. G R O U P .. 

MAiL: [email protected] 

The only thing that really matters is music!!! 

. .. G R E E T S .. 

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. RIP kHz . 

. .. !kb^faa 08.MARCH 2009 .. . .
Liam_De_Bruin--Lavender-(HF023)-WEB-2021-OMA // filesize: 24832276 // files: 2


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