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Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian – Fragrance Regenerated / DSTX157 / Desert Trax

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Geometrae Remix) 05:18 12
2 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Nyrus Remix) 04:44 11
3 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Akriza Remix) 04:32 10
4 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Cyma Remix) 05:19 12
5 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Numatik Remix) 06:14 14
6 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (SWAYLO Remix) 03:33 8
7 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Wolf Tech Remix) 05:15 12
8 Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian Fragrance (Tylepathy Remix) 05:40 13

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian
          title > Fragrance Regenerated
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronica           

          label > Desert Trax
          catno > DSTX157

        predate > 2023-11-14
         tracks > 8           
           size > 93.08 mb

            url > https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/album/zhiqa5tggqo1a
           info > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4132261

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100 -b 320
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Geometrae Remix)        5:18
  02. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Nyrus Remix)            4:44
  03. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Akriza Remix)           4:31
  04. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Cyma Remix)             5:19
  05. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Numatik Remix)          6:14
  06. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (SWAYLO Remix)           3:33
  07. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Wolf Tech Remix)        5:15
  08. Liquid Bloom x Bloomurian - Fragrance  (Tylepathy Remix)        5:39

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          'Fragrance Regenerated' offers eight distinct remixes of the         
       mesmerizing track produced by Liquid Bloom and Bloomurian. Joining      
     forces on this release are producers Akriza, Cyma, Geometrae, Numatik,    
       Nyrus, SWAYL, Tylepathy, and Wolf Tech, wrapping the traditional       
       vocals and sounds into downtempo bass, organic house, psy dub, and      
                           deep ambient soundscapes.                           

      This collaborative release is a diverse journey uniting the shamanic     
       cultures from both sides of the planet, South America and Siberia.      
       Proceeds from this song will be donated to the non profit 'Futuro       
     Nativo' to assist with their building projects in the Shipibo village     
                            of San Fransisco, Peru.                            

     With ancestral vocals from both Inin Rao Shipibo and Siberian vocalist    
       Snow Raven, 'Fragrance' transports listeners to the depths of the       
      natural world. In addition, Yube from the Huni Kuin tribe offers his     
     spoken word, adding to the unique sonic tapestry.  The atmospheres and    
     world vocals transport the listener to other realms, evoking the power    
       of ancient traditions. 'Fragrance' is an immersive experience and       
          invites the listener on a journey of inner self-discovery.'          

      Remix production by Akriza, Cyma, Geometrae, Numatik, Nyrus, SWAYL,     
                            Tylepathy, and Wolf Tech                           
       Traditional Vocals by Pedro Inin Rao Shipibo, Snow Raven, and Yube      
                                   Huni Kuin                                   
        Original Track Production by Amani Friend (Liquid Bloom) & Robin       
                              Liepman (Bloomurian)                             
                      Mastered by Gregor at Earrisistable                      
                          Artwork by Gonzalo Abzzolum                          

     Donate directly to Futuro Nativo - https://www.futuronativo.org/inin-     

      :     x                                                           .:
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  \  \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +)
    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Liquid_Bloom_x_Bloomurian-Fragrance_Regenerated-(DSTX157)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 97083861 // files:

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