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Lucas Frota, Blakkat – Change / CIRCUS143 / Circus Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Lucas Frota & Blakkat Change (original mix) 05:09 12
2 Lucas Frota & Blakkat Change (David Morales Red Zone remix) 06:26 15

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artist : Lucas Frota & Blakkat
title . Change
type : Single
year . 2021
genre : House
subgenre . Deep House
label : Circus Recordings
cat . CIRCUS143
URL : https://www.junodownload.com/products/lucas-frota-blakkat-change/5157069-02/
encoder . LAME 3.100
quality : 320kbps / 44.1 kHz / Full Stereo
source . WEB

01. Change (original mix) 5:08
02. Change (David Morales Red Zone remix) 6:25

11:33 min 27.83 Mb


Legendary Blakkat and his Brazilian protege Lucas Frota return to Circus
Recordings for their second soulful collaboration. They update a classic
house with a skillful sonic capability that like 'masters at work' did,
somehow makes vocal led deep house thump...
A man that has done more house music culture than anyone in history makes
his Circus debut with a typically accomplished and excellent David Morales
Red Zone remix, where he takes the original into a darker realm...


remember to support artists.


shoutouts to the groups that love the music they promote..


If you're down with the deep house music, music with feeling..
music that makes you groove no matter where you are.. and you
think you can add to this feeling.. then drop us a line [email protected]
keep the feeling real. . d e e p h o u s e 2 0 2 1 .
Lucas_Frota_and_Blakkat--Change-(CIRCUS143)-WEB-2021-dh // filesize: // files: 2


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