part of the remix.network

Manuel Sahagun – La Terre / LZD089 / Lazy Days Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Manuel Sahagun La Terre 06:20 15
2 Manuel Sahagun Kick To Flip 05:05 12
3 Manuel Sahagun Rest In Sax 05:28 13

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Manuel Sahagun
title > La Terre
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood: Deep House 

label > Lazy Days Recordings
catno > LZD089

predate > 2021-11-27
tracks > 3 
size > 38.76 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/269277322
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3559372

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Manuel Sahagun - La Terre 6:20
02. Manuel Sahagun - Kick To Flip 5:04
03. Manuel Sahagun - Rest In Sax 5:28


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We're happy to welcome one of Argentina's main House export Manuel 
Sahagun to the Lazy Days family. 

As an in demand DJ, Manuel has played in the most important venues and 
cities in Argentina as well as Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, USA and Europe 
in venues such as Pacha (Buenos Aires), Egg (London), D-Edge (Sao 
Paulo), Houspitality (San Francisco), etc... He is known for his unique 
sound signature which have landed him releases on great labels such as 
Freerange, True Romance, Drop Music, Salted, etc...earning him the 
support from DJs such as Laurent Garnier, Mark Farina, Miguel Migs, 
Tale of Us and the list goes on. 

His EP opens up with La Terre, an epic solo driven disco journey. 
Moving on to Kick To Flip, with its irresistible chugging groove. To 
finish up, we have Rest In Sax which is perfect for the late night 

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last nfo update 2O211027
Manuel_Sahagun--La_Terre-(LZD089)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 40720048 // files: 3


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