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Marcus Santoro, Darla Jade – Hit and Run / ENHANCED573E / Enhanced Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Marcus Santoro ft Darla Jade Hit & Run 03:29 8
2 Marcus Santoro ft Darla Jade Hit & Run (Extended Mix) 05:43 13

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A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] Marcus Santoro ft Darla Jade
                 [: TITLE...... :] Hit and Run
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2023-05-11
                 [: LABEL...... :] Enhanced Recordings
                 [: CAT NR..... :] ENHANCED573E
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 2
                 [: SIZE....... :] 22m
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME 3.100 -b 320
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: SOURCE..... :] WEB (FLAC)
                 [: URL........ :] https://listen.tidal.com/album/291037288

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Hit & Run .................................... 03:29      
             02. Hit & Run (Extended Mix) ..................... 05:43      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

             It's a spectacular new single from Marcus Santoro and Darla Jade 
             - this is 'Hit & Run'. 

             Australian producer Marcus Santoro continues to deliver pristine 
             prog house goodness, building on his latest Enhanced releases 
             including 'Talk' and 'It's Not About You' with this slick new 
             production. His dynamic sonics are on full display as driving 
             beats merge effortlessly with galloping synth lines to create a 
             high-energy atmosphere as Darla Jade's immaculate vocals soar 
             above the expertly-crafted instrumentation. With a drop that's 
             sure to get the dance floor moving, 'Hit & Run' is an exquisite 
             addition to the Enhanced catalogue.

               [ ::..  GROUP   NEWS ..:: ]           

              We are currently looking for:             

                  *   100+ Mbit EU PREsites                     

                    [ ::.. C O N T A C T ..:: ]                  

                [ ::.. GROUP  GREETS ..::]              

Marcus_Santoro_ft_Darla_Jade-Hit_and_Run-(ENHANCED573E)-WEB-2023-AFO // filesize: 22139956 // files: 5


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