Martinesque – Think Outside the Box / ADAMLP002 / Adam'S Bite
# | artist | track title | duration | size, mb |
1 | Martinesque | Space Night | 08:29 | 19 |
2 | Martinesque | Lost in Time | 06:29 | 15 |
3 | Martinesque | Replicate | 06:16 | 14 |
4 | Martinesque | The Broken Circle | 06:52 | 16 |
5 | Martinesque | Floating Mirror | 06:44 | 15 |
6 | Martinesque | Think Outside the Box | 08:29 | 19 |
7 | Martinesque | Perceptions | 08:43 | 20 |
8 | Martinesque | Back in the Days | 06:53 | 16 |
9 | Martinesque | Beholder | 06:49 | 16 |
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O . . O o o + FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC + ! ! | | | | | | /\ /\ _ | . ____!__ /. \ _______ / \\ _|___/ _____\_ )___// _\____\_ )___/ \ ./ /_____ _ ___ _ \ /. / \ \ /. / _\__|____ \ _ ____ _ /// /_____\| __// /______\| __/ \ \ _/ ___//// /_____________/ . \ ______/:/ /_ \________/ |:/_____________\\.:::::/____________\::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| x |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| : _ ___|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ _ x . . . . 34345 => C13H16ClNO + 34345 + C13H16ClNO <= 34345 . . . . _ ___._______________________________________.___ _ . . : : . _|_ _| ! : : !. |/ \| .| : : |: _ __./ \ __ _ :! : : |: // //. .\\ \\ :| : : |: : x x : :x : : !: ::. .:: :! : :..:. ..... . ........................................... ... ....: < episode#71321 | malicious haze > Martinesque-Think_Outside_The_Box-(ADAMLP002)-WEB-2023-BABAS . : x :: ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ________. ____:: : ::/ /__\ /____/ \\ \_/ \\ \___\ \____\ \ |/ /: __:|__ / /| / _ \_ \ _ \_ \ _ / / / | _//: x _\ / _\________\__/____/ /__/____/ \__ \ \__\ \____ /:::: . //_______/ |\____\::::::\____\ \____/::\____/(___\:::: . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :... |___________________|\ . ....: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ artist > Martinesque title > Think Outside the Box year > 2023 genre > House mood > tech house label > Adam'S Bite catno > ADAMLP002 predate > 2023-06-22 tracks > 9 size > 150.83 mb url > buy > _________________ | |\ ________ _____| QUALITY CONTROL |\ / _ \/ /.______ __________|\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / / _ /_ \| \\\\\\\\\\\\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . \______\ \_ __________/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::\____/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . ..: codec > MPEG 1 layer 3 encoder > Lame quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel source > WEB _____________ _____. /| | ._ _______ ____ ______ ___ \_ |______ . ____/__: /| T R A C K S |:|// /_\_ \_/ /_/ /.___/ / _// ./ /_\:: /|_____________|::/ _/. / / _ / \| \_ \ \___|_. \| : ///////////////::/_____/ /___\ \_ \___\\________/__|\___ /| __/: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::\_____\:::::::::::::::::::::/__________\::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ...:.. . ...:... time 01. Martinesque - Space Night 8:29 02. Martinesque - Lost in Time 6:29 03. Martinesque - Replicate 6:15 04. Martinesque - The Broken Circle 6:51 05. Martinesque - Floating Mirror 6:44 06. Martinesque - Think Outside the Box 8:29 07. Martinesque - Perceptions 8:42 08. Martinesque - Back in the Days 6:53 09. Martinesque - Beholder 6:49 01:05:41 : : .....: x _ . . ..:> .::. ______/_______ _____/ ____ ___________. :: :___/\\. // ._ \_/______( / _____ ./ /___ ..| |\:: ..:._/ _ \| /. l/ // /. _// /__|___ \::| N O T E S |\:: :.: \____/ '\ \________\ _//___\______\ // _//:|___________|\:: :.. .::: \_______/::::::/______/:::::::\::/____________/:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\::.. : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: :....::. . ..: Martinesque's Think Outside The Box is an adventurous and eclectic album that explores various genres and influences. The album features 10 tracks that span from deep house to electro, from dub to breakbeat and ambient to acid. Opening track "Space Night" sets the tone with a hypnotic and groovy breakbeat underpinning a catchy vocal sample and an acid bassline. "The Broken Circle" is a mesmerising and atmospheric dub techno track, while "Think Outside The Box" is a straight-ahead minimal techno chugger made for those heads-down moments. The closing track "Beholder" utilises multi-layered and hypnotising polyrhythms to tremendous effect. . : x .: ::.... \ :: ____________\__ . . . ..:::: ( (.. _ ) \ \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +) \__\________/::.... ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ............... last nfo update: 20220405
Martinesque-Think_Outside_The_Box-(ADAMLP002)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 157165586 // files: 12
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