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Mastra – Nanook, Pt. 2 (Ombre Bianche) / SIRION050 / Sirion Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Mastra Too Late Blues 06:56 16
2 Mastra Too Late Blues (Adriano Mirabile Remix) 09:15 21
3 Mastra Too Late Blues (Calou Remix) 06:02 14
4 Mastra The Wedding March 09:09 21
5 Mastra The Wedding March (TM Shuffle Remix) 06:34 15
6 Mastra The Wedding March (Youen Remix) 08:02 19
7 Mastra Locus Solus 06:32 15

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Mastra
title > Nanook, Pt. 2 (Ombre Bianche)
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Deephouse 

label > Sirion Records
catno > SIRION050

predate > 2021-06-15
tracks > 7 
size > 121.99 mb

url > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3279271

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Mastra - Too Late Blues 6:55
02. Mastra - Too Late Blues (Adriano Mirabile Remix) 9:14
03. Mastra - Too Late Blues (Calou Remix) 6:02
04. Mastra - The Wedding March 9:08
05. Mastra - The Wedding March (TM Shuffle Remix) 6:34
06. Mastra - The Wedding March (Youen Remix) 8:02
07. Mastra - Locus Solus 6:32


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Mastra, Sirion Records long-time friend and at the same time Bernese 
veteran when it comes to electronic music in all its facets, is 
launching an extensive oeuvre consisting of three independent EPs. It 
forms a fusion between visual art in the form of cover artwork and 
musical creation. Mastra and the visual artist Johannes Luna had this 
fusion planned quite some time, but it took a clandestine meeting in a 
pub to seal the deal. They philosophized extensively about the 
connection between visual art and music. It is the abstraction in 
Mastras music that inspired Johannes and ultimately flowed into his 
art to make this complete work possible. Musically, this project moves 
in deep and techhouse realms with influences from the genres of Dub, 
Funk and Soul, paired with the usual light-footedness from Mastras 
production pool. 

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last nfo update 2O2O1224
Mastra--Nanook_Pt_2_(Ombre_Bianche)-(SIRION050)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: // files: 5

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