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Masupilami – Monochromatic / SL53 / Spclnch

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Masupilami Brunched 07:44 18
2 Masupilami Memory Collector 08:50 20
3 Masupilami Upper Partials 07:18 17
4 Masupilami Upper Partials (Ludowick Remix) 06:21 15
5 Masupilami Memory Collector (Sony Synth Remix) 07:19 17

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    >> Yalla Habibi Presents....

    > Metadata:
    Artist....: Masupilami
    Album.....: Monochromatic

    Genre.....: House
    Mood......: Deep House 
    Year......: 2022
    Rls.Date..: 2022-12-15
    Label.....: spclnch
    Catalog...: SL53
    Type......: EP
    Tracks....: 5

    Encoder...: LAME
    Codec.....: MP3 MPEG 1 Layer III
    Quality...: 320Kbps/CBR/44.1 kHz/Joint Stereo
    Source....: WEB

    Size......: 87.15 MB                                
    Playtime..: 00:37:33                                

    > Track(s):
    01. (07:45) Brunched                                                        
    02. (08:50) Memory Collector                                                
    03. (07:18) Upper Partials                                                  
    04. (06:21) Upper Partials (Ludowick Remix)                                 
    05. (07:19) Memory Collector (Sony Synth Remix)                             

    > Url(s):



    > Notes:
    You know, sometimes I feel rebellious to the core. It is
    impossible to hold back when the media is silent about animal
    cruelty! At such moments it seems as if we are all helpless grains
    of sand rushing from nowhere to wherever on a giant disco ball...
    Cat, you should get a pair of sunglasses for some occasions. Get
    ready, the auction will start soon! The freelance employees from
    AK are everywhere. I hope they won't suspect that the beneficiary
    who wished to remain incognito is a desperate couple hunted by
    half the galaxy. Guards scurried sullenly through the crowd,
    trying to learn the circumstances of such a large-scale event.
    Corporal Graves, the grey cardinal and the former head of the
    security service, was notorious for being a rare crook in search
    of profit. It was he who helped organise the fake trades. The
    fierce struggle for rare lots forced the participants to accept
    the only choice, but even a disguise and the total sold-out could
    not save the accomplices from imprisonment.

    >> Yalla Bye!
Masupilami--Monochromatic-(SL53)-WEB-2022-YALLA // filesize: 46348607 // files: 5

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