part of the remix.network

Mauro Masi, Julian Liander, Brian David – Kumbaya / NR014 / Nature Rec

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Julian Liander & Mauro Masi & Brian David Kumbaya (Original Mix) 07:16 17
2 Julian Liander & Mauro Masi & Brian David Kumbaya (Leo Perez Remix) 07:12 16
3 Julian Liander & Mauro Masi & Brian David Kumbaya (Sacc & Lapena Remix) 07:58 18
4 Mauro Masi & Brian David Galactic Mirror (Original Mix) 07:09 16

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A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] Mauro Masi and Julian Liander and Brian David
                 [: TITLE...... :] Kumbaya
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2022-08-04
                 [: LABEL...... :] Nature Rec.
                 [: CAT NR..... :] NR014
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 4
                 [: SIZE....... :] 68m
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME 3.100 -b 320
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: SOURCE..... :] WEB (FLAC)
                 [: URL........ :] https://store.tidal.com/nz/album/238551860

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Kumbaya (Original Mix) ....................... 07:16      
             02. Kumbaya (Leo Perez Remix) .................... 07:12      
             03. Kumbaya (Sacc & Lapena Remix) ................ 07:58      
             04. Galactic Mirror (Original Mix) ............... 07:09      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

             New season, new music Nature returns with the freshness of 
             summer showing new sounds for everyone's delight. 
             The welcome this time is for the newcomers Mauro Masi, Julin 
             Liander and Brian David, excellent producer djs from Argentina, 
             collaborating on this musical gem entitled Kumbaya EP. Release 
             made up of two incredible tracks with an organic cut and fine 
             melodic work, complemented by a couple of great remixes by label 
             boss Leo Prez and the well-known Sacc and Lapena. 
             Nature is back.

               [ ::..  GROUP   NEWS ..:: ]           

              We are currently looking for:             

                  *   100+ Mbit EU PREsites                     

                    [ ::.. C O N T A C T ..:: ]                  

                [ ::.. GROUP  GREETS ..::]              

Mauro_Masi_and_Julian_Liander_and_Brian_David-Kumbaya-(NR014)-WEB-2022-AFO // filesize: 70672283 // files: 7


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