part of the remix.network

Ok Selekta, Shuma – I (Aya) Care / CMVR029 / Cosmovision Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 OK Selekta x Shuma Jo Kibuwa Ija 05:24 13
2 OK Selekta x Shuma Morning After Ceremony 06:17 15
3 OK Selekta x Shuma Great Ma 05:37 13
4 OK Selekta x Shuma Vuela Vuela 05:52 14
5 OK Selekta x Shuma Jo Kibuwa Ija (Eternal Moment Remix) 07:55 18
6 OK Selekta x Shuma Morning After Ceremony (Turu Anasi Remix) 06:53 16
7 OK Selekta x Shuma Vuela Vuela (VadimoooV Remix) 07:03 16
8 OK Selekta x Shuma Great Ma (Itwo5 Remix) 06:22 15

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                       < episode#81232 | rabies treat >                        


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > OK Selekta x Shuma
          title > I (Aya) Care
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronica           

          label > Cosmovision Records
          catno > CMVR029

        predate > 2023-09-06
         tracks > 8           
           size > 119.71 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/477284335
           info > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4234123

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. OK Selekta x Shuma - Jo Kibuwa Ija                              5:24
  02. OK Selekta x Shuma - Morning After Ceremony                     6:16
  03. OK Selekta x Shuma - Great Ma                                   5:37
  04. OK Selekta x Shuma - Vuela Vuela                                5:52
  05. OK Selekta x Shuma - Jo Kibuwa Ija (Eternal Moment Remix)       7:54
  06. OK Selekta x Shuma - Morning After Ceremony (Turu Anasi Remix)  6:53
  07. OK Selekta x Shuma - Vuela Vuela (VadimoooV Remix)              7:02
  08. OK Selekta x Shuma - Great Ma (Itwo5 Remix)                     6:22

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     Coming up with another surprise from our magic box of treasures is I     
       (aya) care, a mystical gift from the mysterious lands of Eastern       
     Europe, specifically Ukraine, that will make you dive into a Universe     
      of spiritual reflection, sonic dreams and beautiful organic grooves.     

      A work full of deep enigmatic voices from the profound world of the      
      Universal soul, as the EP conception combines musical and spiritual      
       ideas from South America and Eastern Europe, this supported by the      
      unique voice of Maryna Rusia Shukiurava aka Shuma and the production     
      talent of Ok Selekta, presenting here his first EP work ever showing     
        an incredible talent for artistic conception and execution of a        
                               wonderful journey.                              

     Apart from this, the EP also showcases the contributions of four other    
         Ukrainian remixers, each adding their distinctive flair while         
     remaining aligned with the album's enchanting journey. This collective    
     effort creates a wholesome experience of medicinal tunes, catering not    
                 only to the dance floor but also to the soul.                 

       The EP in the words of the artist: "It's about the importance of       
      caring and being ready to accept care, as I do care about my soul, I     
       do care about other people, I do care about nature and at the same      
     time I care about Pachamama (mother nature) and so Mother Nature is     
     caring about us, it can: heal, give wisdom and inspiration. Finally I     
        would say: "Be empathetic and trust life  that is the message I       
       received from the Ayahuasca, Medicine of Pachamama and I'd like to      
                       share it further with my music".                       

         We hope you enjoy it, play it a lot and share it with friends!        

      :     x                                                           .:
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    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
OK_Selekta_x_Shuma-I_(Aya)_Care-(CMVR029)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 42360581 // files: 11


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