part of the remix.network

Pao Pamaki – Travel Inside Vol.2 (Remixes) / Resueo

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Pao Pamaki Shamanic Catharsis Ayama (Shamanic Catharsis Remix) 04:57 11
2 Pao Pamaki SavaBorsa Travel Inside (SavaBorsa Remix) 09:17 21
3 Pao Pamaki NRYN Ayama (NRYN Remix) 04:16 10
4 Pao Pamaki Nils Olav Medicina Ven (Nils Olav Remix) 06:13 14
5 Pao Pamaki Mose Ama (Mose Remix) 05:40 13
6 Pao Pamaki Sariel Orenda As A Prayer (Sariel Orenda Remix) 07:21 17
7 Pao Pamaki Pachira Rezo Para La Tierra (PACHIRA Remix) 05:27 12
8 Pao Pamaki Alex Acharya Travel Inside (Alex Acharya Remix) 05:47 13
9 Pao Pamaki LoRenzo All That We Are (Lo.Renzo Remix) 07:36 17

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         artist > Pao Pamaki
          title > Travel Inside Vol.2 (Remixes)
           year > 2024
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronic           

          label > Resueo
          catno > 

        predate > 2024-03-17
         tracks > 9           
           size > 129.62 mb

            url > https://tidal.com/browse/album/348271237
           info > https://resueno.bandcamp.com/album/travel-inside-vol-2-remixes

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB FLAC

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  01. Pao Pamaki Shamanic Catharsis - Ayama (Shamanic Catharsis Remix 4:57
  02. Pao Pamaki SavaBorsa - Travel Inside (SavaBorsa Remix)          9:17
  03. Pao Pamaki NRYN - Ayama (NRYN Remix)                            4:15
  04. Pao Pamaki Nils Olav - Medicina Ven (Nils Olav Remix)           6:12
  05. Pao Pamaki Mose - Ama (Mose Remix)                              5:40
  06. Pao Pamaki Sariel Orenda - As A Prayer (Sariel Orenda Remix)    7:20
  07. Pao Pamaki Pachira - Rezo Para La Tierra (PACHIRA Remix)        5:26
  08. Pao Pamaki Alex Acharya - Travel Inside (Alex Acharya Remix)    5:46
  09. Pao Pamaki LoRenzo - All That We Are (Lo.Renzo Remix)           7:36

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     Resueno presents its latest offering, 'Pao Pamaki - Travel Inside Vol.    
      2 Remixes,' showcasing captivating reinterpretations by some of our      
      favorite artists. This inaugural volume of the compilation presents      
       original tracks transformed into vibrant, dance-infused meditative      
     experiences cherished by our community. We hope that you'll enjoy this    
     new shape of the gorgeous music, originally created by Pao Pamaki and     
        that it would resonate with you as much as it resonates with us.       

                          ---   --- --                         

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Pao_Pamaki-Travel_Inside_Vol.2_(Remixes)-WEB-2024-BABAS // filesize: 135529178 // files:


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