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Partiboi69 – Call Of The Void / RB126D / Running Back

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Partiboi69 Playin' 03:42 9
2 Partiboi69 Bodies 05:31 13
3 Partiboi69 Feel This 04:23 10
4 Partiboi69 Call Of The Void 05:32 13

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- d e e p h o u s e -


     artist   : Partiboi69
     title    . Call Of The Void
     year     . 2024
     genre    : House
     subgenre : deep house
     label    : running back
     cat      . RB126D
     URL      : https://www.deezer.com/album/542081572
     ShopURL  : https://www.junodownload.com/products/6481367-02
     encoder  . LAME
     quality  : 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
     source   . WEB

     01. Partiboi69 - Playin'                                        3:41
     02. Partiboi69 - Bodies                                         5:31
     03. Partiboi69 - Feel This                                      4:23
     04. Partiboi69 - Call Of The Void                               5:32

   00:19:07 min  44.80 mb


      Self-styled "international style pirate, sex icon and enigma of the      
       Australian underground" Partiboi69 has been making waves in recent      
     time, as much for his hedonistic and freewheeling approach to DJing as    
      his (admittedly on-point) productions. This Running Back label debut     
     is undoubtedly his most high-profile release yet, and one the imprint     
     claims "shows his sensitive side". While that may be true to an extent    
      musically - the synths and electronics are largely deep, dreamy and      
       melodious - the beats beneath are still sweat-soaked, techno tempo      
     workouts. Our picks of a very strong bunch are 'Bodies', a fiendishly     
        sub-heavy workout topped off with looped vocal samples and rave-       
       igniting keyboard riffs, the Pet Shop Boys-go-to-the-club flex of       
          'Feel This', and the melody-rich rush of 'Call of the Void'.         

                          ---   --- --                         

                              a deephouse release                              

                   enjoy & remember to support artists.


        shoutouts to the groups that love the music they promote..


     If you're down with the deep house music, music with feeling..
     music that makes you groove no matter where you are.. and you
     think you can add to this feeling.. then drop us a line [email protected]
     keep the feeling real. . d e e p h o u s e  2 0 2 4 .
Partiboi69--Call_Of_The_Void-(RB126D)-WEB-2024-dh // filesize: 46878833 // files:


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