part of the remix.network

Reelow – REEBORN LP / REE053 / Reecords

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Reelow Reentro 00:57 2
2 Reelow x Rayzir x Eli Wild Hey Suga 04:35 11
3 Reelow Bust 04:45 11
4 Reelow x Jo Harris I'm With Them 04:30 10
5 Reelow x Samira Ghetto Soul 05:38 13
6 Reelow PlzZz Listen 2 My Demo 05:08 12
7 Reelow x ANAISA Toilet Secrets 05:28 13
8 Reelow Bitchthatsnake (A_lways L_ittle_B_itch A_nyways) 04:26 10
9 Reelow Reeal Badman 05:27 13
10 Reelow x Jamie Coins x Peter Harris Guess Who's Back 04:03 9
11 Reelow Shake Ya Bootie (Tampon Mix) 06:04 14
12 Reelow x Ndidi Bahru x Jigga x Geishaa Hoocares 05:41 13
13 Reelow x Roxy Delgado Mary Juana Cha Cha Cha 05:43 13
14 Reelow x Hana AB Free Your Mind 05:44 13
15 Reelow Makin Reel Love (Hotel Rooms) 06:49 16
16 Reelow x The Fam Reeborn 16:00 37

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Reelow
          title > REEBORN LP
           year > 2024
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > Reecords
          catno > REE053

        predate > 2024-07-19
         tracks > 16           
           size > 210.57 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/565316392
           info > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4508198

                  |                 |\
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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
         source > WEB

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  01. Reelow - Reentro                                                :57
  02. Reelow x Rayzir x Eli Wild - Hey Suga                           4:34
  03. Reelow - Bust                                                   4:45
  04. Reelow x Jo Harris - I'm With Them                              4:30
  05. Reelow x Samira - Ghetto Soul                                   5:38
  06. Reelow - PlzZz Listen 2 My Demo                                 5:07
  07. Reelow x ANAISA - Toilet Secrets                                5:28
  08. Reelow - Bitchthatsnake (A_lways L_ittle_B_itch A_nyways)       4:25
  09. Reelow - Reeal Badman                                           5:27
  10. Reelow x Jamie Coins x Peter Harris - Guess Who's Back          4:03
  11. Reelow - Shake Ya Bootie (Tampon Mix)                           6:04
  12. Reelow x Ndidi Bahru x Jigga x Geishaa - Hoocares               5:41
  13. Reelow x Roxy Delgado - Mary Juana Cha Cha Cha                  5:42
  14. Reelow x Hana AB - Free Your Mind                               5:44
  15. Reelow - Makin Reel Love (Hotel Rooms)                          6:48
  16. Reelow x The Fam - Reeborn                                      16:00

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       To live again has never been so good. So sexy. So groovy. Reelow's      
     reeturning to the game with 'REEBORN' - his highly-anticipated second     
     album on his own Reecords label. This one's not just about the music:     
       REEBORN is the resume of adventures, friendships, missed flights,       
        collaborations, and hundreds of hours in his Barcelona studio: a       
     magnet that attracts artists, buddies, and music enthusiasts, becoming    
      a meeting point and exchanging fulcrum. The Hungarian groove master      
     and Solid Grooves resident delivers four irresistible cuts in Reelow's    
     perfect fashion, diving between skipping drums, shuffling grooves, and    
       jackin' bass tones, taking listeners on a road trip deep into his       
             trademark rough and funky sound. Time to REEBORN, now.            

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Reelow-REEBORN_LP-(REE053)-WEB-2024-BABAS // filesize: 217220333 // files:


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