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Retromigration – Straight Foxin' LP / WOLFLP006 / Wolf Music Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Retromigration x Mauricesax Kunta 02:35 6
2 Retromigration Formant 03:38 9
3 Retromigration x Bezzix x Mauricesax Be Someone 05:01 12
4 Retromigration Mada 04:12 10
5 Retromigration x Mauricesax All I Do 04:41 11
6 Retromigration x Mauricesax Bouncer 05:22 12
7 Retromigration x Mauricesax x Bezzix New Cribs 05:45 13
8 Retromigration x Mauricesax ITW 03:36 8
9 Retromigration Jilter 06:07 14
10 Retromigration x Passion Deez Kush Love 03:47 9
11 Retromigration What If 03:25 8
12 Retromigration Mild Fever 05:05 12
13 Retromigration x Nephews Bad Knees 05:06 12
14 Retromigration Nima 01:52 4

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Retromigration
          title > Straight Foxin' LP
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > future funk x deep house           

          label > Wolf Music Recordings
          catno > WOLFLP006

        predate > 2023-05-19
         tracks > 14           
           size > 140.36 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/410967957
            buy > https://www.junodownload.com/products/6125603-02

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...

  01. Retromigration x Mauricesax - Kunta                             2:35
  02. Retromigration - Formant                                        3:38
  03. Retromigration x Bezzix x Mauricesax - Be Someone               5:01
  04. Retromigration - Mada                                           4:12
  05. Retromigration x Mauricesax - All I Do                          4:41
  06. Retromigration x Mauricesax - Bouncer                           5:22
  07. Retromigration x Mauricesax x Bezzix - New Cribs                5:45
  08. Retromigration x Mauricesax - ITW                               3:36
  09. Retromigration - Jilter                                         6:07
  10. Retromigration x Passion Deez - Kush Love                       3:47
  11. Retromigration - What If                                        3:25
  12. Retromigration - Mild Fever                                     5:05
  13. Retromigration x Nephews - Bad Knees                            5:06
  14. Retromigration - Nima                                           1:52

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     After releasing a wealth of EPs since making his debut in 2020, Malik     
     Kassim is ready to unleash his first album, 'Straight Foxin', for the     
         constantly inspiring Wolf Music Reordings. Framed as a kind of        
      mixtape, with head-nodding interludes sitting side by side with club     
       cuts, the 14-track set features a wealth of appearances from horn       
     player Mauricesax, as well as collaborations with Bezzix (see the deep    
       dancefloor jazz of 'Be Someone' and the organic deep jazz house of      
       'New Cribs'), Passion Deez (the skittish, uptempo deep house-goes-      
      ghetto house warmth of 'Kush Love') and 'Nephews' (the deep, Bukem-      
     influenced D&B flex of 'Bad Knees'). Throughout, Kassim offers a near     
      perfect blend of dusty instrumental hip-hop, nu-jazz and the deepest     
                   and warmest of house grooves. Recommended!                  

      :     x                                                           .:
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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Retromigration--Straight_Foxin_LP-(WOLFLP006)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 144030437 // files:


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